Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: But with Dr Nicorovici he outlines how to do it with the help of materials with bizarre optical properties that were first postulated in 1968 by Victor Veselago, a physicist working at the General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. His work remained obscure until six years ago, when his mathematical fantasy was realised by the creation of superlenses that can make objects placed near them invisible." When an object is bathed in light of one colour, Prof Milton and Dr Nicorovici predict that light becomes trapped near the lens and "almost exactly cancels the light incident on each molecule in the object, so it has essentially no response to the incident light. Numerically we see that the molecule is effectively invisible". By looking through a superlens at the object "one would only see the back half of it".

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