Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Light Q: I'd like to ask you if you could talk a little bit about light? B: Light! Q: Yes, as an elementary. B: Everything is made of light. Q: Yes. B: Everything! Light is Love; it is the prime manifestation, in energy terms, of the unconditional love of Creation. Light is love; love is light. This may not sound scientific, but that's what it is. Q: Okay. B: Light is Love. Love is the prime chord, the primal frequency, primal vibration. Everything is made of light - literally. Q: Okay. Thank you. I'm confused about what you are saying now, and why it seems like a bar. not like a barrier, but like a limit in the physical universe. Like the speed. please talk about the speed of light. Some people say that. B: It is only a definitional barrier, it is only a definition; it is the definition that creates what you call the physical universe. Q: Mhmm. B: That is all. In and of itself, it is not a barrier. One manifestation of light - what you recognize as pure light - is only one manifestation of an overall phenomena of light. The one manifestation you recognize as light is simply the definitional barrier of your physical dimension. But there are dimensions beyond that. They're all made out of light, but not the same type of light. Q: Okay. When some people talk about using this to transport themselves, or whatever. B: Yes. Q: And how is the. you talk about vibration too. So what is vibration? B: The idea is to recognize that when you exist in a physical universe, you are a particular frequency. Q: Yes. B: If you then change your frequency, you can literally define yourself out of that universe and into another one, without really having traveled at all. You simply redefine yourself and reappear wherever the new definition befits. Q: Yes, but what about doing it with the body? Because I feel like I do that. B: You can do that with the body too. And you actually do that with the body all the time. Q: Mhmm. B: When you take a step from one spot to another, you are actually constantly recreating yourself, redefining yourself. Now simply, as a society, you are learning that you don't necessarily have to create the interim steps between A and Z. You can just create step A, step Z; there you are. It is all up to and how you define the idea of physical reality. It is very fluid, very malleable. Since it is literally made of light, you can project whatever kind of shadow you want by creating whatever type of definitional structure you want. And whatever structure you create will then, because of the light that illuminates all, project whatever kind of shadow physical reality is representative of the structure you have created - the definition. Q: Physically I've been doing some. well, like a drill, okay? B: Yes. Q: So when I see a light, like this white light for instance. that fascinates me. like creating shapes. B: Yes. Q: But these shapes. the only thing is, I cannot make it like. how can I say it. like they vanish too soon, you know. B: Yes. Q: And I was trying. making some other shapes, like animals or whatever. And I see the shapes, but then they vanish. B: Yes, but the shape is only a symbol. It is a symbol of an idea. And the idea is that, when they vanish, it is not that you have gone anywhere; it is that you have become it. It is no longer outside of you; you are it. Understand? Q: Yes. So it's like I'm. I'm wanting to do something, and that's as far as I could go. B: You can go as far as you wish, as fast as you wish. It's up to you how you define the reality. Q: Okay. Thank you very much. B: Thank you very much!

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