Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Conditions reach the optimum. Utilizing the cosmic fullness while it is within him, the sage sheds clear light on all within his reach. This is a time of abundance. But it is also wise to remember that the cycle must turn someday, and the mountain climber who does not cease to move must eventually start downward after reaching the summit. However, for today he can take with him the pride of achievement and the splendor of his vision from the mountaintop. (Q) [69]: When one has gotten the understanding of the oneness with the Father-Mother-God, why is it one does not experience the joy and bliss, and overcome all inharmony, which is their divine birthright? May I have the answer from Master Jesus, if possible? (A) Then, with patience wait for that. Is that attained in thine self so that the consciousness of the Master comes to thee in all thine hours, then with patience wait ye on the Lord; for as one finds that in the understanding of the oneness, when He has found that the vessel is worthy of acceptation it is kept full. Cayce 262-25 Then, know what thy ideal is; of the spiritual not of the temporal; not that around which there may be put metes and bounds, but rather put thy ideal in those things that bespeak of the continuity of life; the regeneration of the spiritual body, the revivifying of the temporal body for spiritual purposes, that the seed may go forth even as the Teacher gave, "Sin no more, but present thy body as a living sacrifice; holy, acceptable unto Him, for it is a reasonable service." These things as an ideal should be founded in thine experience, as thou hast seen again and again the vision of the mountaintop yet these visions have faded because thou hast not founded thy ideal in the Creative Forces that are set in Him who gave, "As ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto me." Cayce 969-1 In the attitudes keep creative in thought, knowing that in Him is life and life more abundant to those who seek to do His bidding. What is the first commandment with a promise? Said another way, it is life abundant. What is life? It is opportunity to serve the living God! Cayce 3524-1 To base the activities on the spiritual outlook does not mean that one should become sordid, self-centered or puritanic in any sense. Let each question be answered by determining what thy ideal should be respecting same. The Christian principle is a joyous, abundant, happy, hopeful life in all phases of its experience, of its expression. And it only meets sorrow, disappointment and such with that assurance of peace and hope and life abundant. Cayce 270-48 . . . on the mountaintop, the entity gains the full height, or the full concept, of the manner and way in which the entity may and must act, would the entity gain the full understanding and the returns from same. Cayce 900-305

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