Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "It is not so much that an entity is influenced because the Moon is in Aquarius or the Sun in Capricorn or Venus or Mercury in that or the otherhouse, sign, or the Moon and Sun sign, in that one of the planets is in this ir that position in the heavens; but rather because those positions in the heavens are from the ENTITY having been in that sojourn as a soul. This is how the planets have the greater influence in the earth, see? For the application of an experience is what makes for the development of a body, mind, OR a soul... "There's life there (Jupiter) (not as known in earth), as there is in Saturn, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Mars; all have their form - as about the earth, the inhabitants of the air, fire, water - in and out of the earth. The elements about same are inhabited, if you choose, by those of their own peculiar environment." Cayce (630-2)

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