Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: 7/13/01 All Lives Are One Life Q: I want to ask you some questions about yourself and your world, if I can. B: Of course. Q: I haven't been here - only for a few weeks - and I guess I missed some stuff that you've probably already talked about, in terms of the different vibrational level of your world as opposed to ours. Is the physical reality in your world the same, or similar, to our world? B: Similar, yes. Q: You have bodies? B: Yes. Q: Are your bodies like ours, in terms of two arms, two legs, and that sort of thing? In that sense, would you call it humanoid - we have referred to you very often, as of a Sassani-ish-type body - is that a common thing throughout the various universes? B: Within a particular frequency range, yes. Understand, again, that usually any society that begins to explore space, will usually run into and attract to themselves those that are similar to their vibration first, so they can get used to the idea that there are other beings at all. Then bit-by-bit, as you expand your awareness of the different frequencies, you can encounter very different societies from your own. Q: So, if you're one of a different vibrational level, it's still a close frequency to ours? B: Yes. Q: If I were to fly towards your world, would I ever get to it? B: If you made the frequency shift, yes. If you stayed in your own realm, you would go right through it - as we would go right through your own without making the frequency shift. Q: So when your space ship is here, it's physically here, if it were. B: Because we make the frequency shift. Q: I could touch it, and it would be right there. B: Oh, yes. Q: Now, another question: you have an excellent command of English. B: I do not speak English at all. Q: Okay, the channel speaks it. B: We are simply activating whatever within the channel's vocabulary is necessary to translate the concepts. Q: Okay. That was my question. When you are speaking to us through the channel, could you speak to us in French, or Japanese, or German. B: Only if the translation device is programmed with those languages. Q: Okay. So that's. um, another question: in terms of telepathy, do you. when I was growing up my concept of telepathy was that if you're telepathic, you could understand and know anything of any being you came in contact with. B: Not always. Q: That's not true? B: Telem-path, if you wish, perhaps more precisely defines the idea. And the idea is that you are on a similar frequency. Now, you can understand quite a bit, but it may not be necessary for you to understand absolutely everything there is to understand about that being. Except what it is that the interaction is for, that is going on between you at that given moment - that you can fully understand. But recognize that telempathy - once again - is not directly the reading of minds; it is the identification strongly with another individual, so that you are both interpreting primal energy in similar thought patterns. You are creating the same thought patterns, mimicking their thought patterns. And that is how you know what they "think." The emotions are creating what you understand: telepathy is an emotionally-activated response. That is why individuals that are most often, in your world, considered to be "in love" are the ones that most often, as you observe them, know each other's thoughts most quickly. Because being in love is expressing telempathy. You act as another individual. You are in synchronous accord with them, so you share and create similar thoughts at the same time. That is how telepathy works. You are not actually going into their mind and pulling out the information; you are thinking along the same lines. Q: I think I understand. B: Thank you. I know you do. Q: Okay, I have a personal question. Over a period of ten years I shared my life with a monkey. And often - in a lot of the dreams that I recall during that period, she was in the dreams representing this or that. I'm not quite sure what, but she was in a number of my dreams. B: Yes. Q: Ever since she died, she has not been in any of my dreams. And I was wondering if you could explain - first of all, I'm kind of curious in terms of animals, in terms of especially an animal like that, that was so close to me, in terms of the way she thought, and so on - what the relationship is between a human and a primate like that? And also in terms of reincarnation, and just why I'm not... why I would have seen her in my dreams when she was alive, and not now. Is her. B: Is this the consideration you call a monkey or an ape? Q: This is a monkey; this is a capuchin monkey. B: All right. Recognize, in this way, animal consciousness in general is an extension, an expression, of the collective consciousness you are as a society. It is reflections and aspects of the different aspects of you - all of you - in many different ways. In this particular sense, the conversation, as we perceive it, that went on between you while physical Iife was maintained, was reflective of some of the ideas you were discovering about yourself, some of your natural connections to creation, in many ways. And also with you, a specific connection to a second density consciousness, so that you could incorporate what might be called second density consciousness. That which was prior to all that you all know as your civilization, but yet to which you are connected at another level. Another world: the Earth, if you will, that existed before the Earth you now know. And in that sense, from which your present situation was created. In drawing that connection together, and then in finally incorporating it within yourself, you remove the need of the reflection outside yourself. The communication now goes on within you, rather than between you and another level. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: You are now those two levels. And now you are gathering up the second - which, of course, already implies that the first was absorbed - to the third, and now accelerating to the fourth. First recognize: the idea of acceleration from level to level, density to density, dimension to dimension, is not at the exclusion of all the dimensions you have gone through. It is the integration and incorporation of all dimensions you have gone through. Fourth density is the blending of the third, the second, and the first. Q: That was my next question. B: Yes. Q: But in terms of individual energy, would she, as a monkey and (the personal life?) she had, is she "reincarnatable," or is there anything. B: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Now, that particular consciousness is now undergoing a transcendence of evolution in soul, and will now, if she chooses, begin a new cycle of incarnation out of the old cycle. And can begin the idea you could call - we understand this may be very confusing in many ways as there is not the time to explain the whole evolutionary cycle - but would now begin the cycle you could call "proto-human," And then will go on and create her own third- density reality, and move on into fourth eventually, in time. Reincarnation, when you are in a cycle, usually reincarnates from what you are into a similar idea. But there are, from different reincarnational cycles, evolutionary steps as well. And that being is now beginning an evolutionary step into a different layer, a different level. So, while she has served you in many ways, you have served her by letting rub off on her some of the aspects by which she can evolve into what you now call, an aware aspect of the consciousness of which she is a part. A deterministic aspect, rather than simply, in your terms, an instinctive one. Is this making sense to you? Q: Yes, it is. B: Does that assist you? Q: Yes. Thank you very much. I have one more brief thing. B: All right. Q: Since everything is synchronistic, would it not make more sense to speak of other lives as opposed to past lives? B: 'Tis up to you. We simply use the colloquial terminology, since for many individuals it is - in your terms - easier for them to understand what we are referring to. Whereas sometimes "other lives" may carry a specific reference across the time track you are living in now. But yes, they are all simultaneous, and all lives simply are "other" lives - and even that is a separation. All lives are one life, expressing itself in all the ways that it can. Q: Okay. Thank you very much. B: Thank you. SHARING!

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