Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Resolving Contradictions B: Male! Q: Yes. It's interesting what you said about the timing. Very perceptive of you, by the way. B: And you as well. For we co-create this event together. Q: When you were making your opening remarks about purpose, self- created purpose, and individual purpose and intention, as having dominion over the events in your life. B: Yes. Q: This reminded me of the saying. "God is simple; man is complex." B: All right. Q: And what I mean by that, and how this brings me to the question, is that I find for myself, and for many other people, that the spiritual questions right now are not so much the ones of deeper knowing or understanding, but the simplicity of.. the greater simplicity of the intricate complexities in making those realizations work in material circumstances. B: Yes. Q: And that. I'll use myself as an illustration. B: Oh, please do. Q: Now, I was never one who had to do much to fight through the limiting belief systems of this culture. I was empowered as a child; I was taught exactly the kind of things, as a child, that are now considered higher consciousness. I don't think I've ever lived with any discernible fears. And yet, while it's very clear to me about what I feel are the things for me to do in my life. B: Yes. Q: . I can continue to see a large gap between the outer reality and the inner knowing, including the knowing that I'm the author of the outer reality. I continue to see these apparently frustrating circumstances. The usual answer given to this kind of thing is the scapegoat answer, the catch-all answer: "Well somewhere in your sub-conscious" - meaning you can't know about it - "you're doing something to get in the way of it." Which just seems to be what has been done throughout history with religion. B: Yes. Q: Wherever we didn't have knowledge, it's God or the devil. B: Yes. Q: So now we're in the psychological age, so it's your subconscious. B: Now it's your subconscious, yes. Q: And to me, that just becomes another dogmatic belief system. B: Yes. Q: So I am continually perplexed - but never defeated, and never cynical or skeptical - about why it is that the relentless clarity about where I want to go and where I see myself going - that vision tends to push its attainment further away. B: All right. Q: So it's a continuing receding horizon, and the present reality is contradictory. B: Oh, all right. Very good. AUD: Beautifully said. Yes. Yah. B: First of all, from our point of view, in allowing - allowing, allowing, allowing! Not making, not forcing anything to work, but allowing the reality you desire to work - is to recognize that it is, first and foremost, an allowance and not a making. Have we got that? Q: Yes. B: All right. In this way, therefore, the first step, shall we say, always has been and still is, to let whatever it is that does happen in your life - whatever seems to be the apparent reality, as you have said - to be what needs to be there, at least for that moment. If it is there, regardless of why it is there, it still is there for a reason. And can be considered - no matter on what level it comes from - to be there for a reason that will benefit your acceleration towards the state you wish to exist within. So first and foremost: allow yourself to not necessarily do the things in your life - that perhaps you don't prefer - to be something that appears to be standing in your way. Let what is there, even if you don't prefer it, be there for a reason. for the reason of getting you to what you do prefer, first of all. If you attempt to get rid of anything in your life, you will very quickly find that there is nowhere to get rid of anything to. Because there is no outside. You are the complete universe of your experience. Attempting to push something away that you do not prefer is an invalidation of that immediate present reality; and the only place you can push it up against is the immediate wall of the universe you have created. The harder you try to push it away, the more energy you actually give it to spring back, because it has nowhere to go. And so it may generate what appears to be the repetitive cycle of negativity, in that way, which appears to keep you from what it is you truly feel like you want to be. Now: is any of this making sense so far? Q: Oh, yes, but let me, if I may, clarify one thing. B: All right. Q: Are you saying that perhaps formal practices, such as meditations, affirmations, visualizations, can be overdone so that you are not increasing the thing that you're focusing on - the reality that you seek to create - but that you are somehow implicitly expressing too much resistance to your present reality? B: Yes. Q: And that if you lighten up on some of your personal. B: Yes! Then you will be enlightened. That is all enlightenment really is: lightening up, allowing the balance to exist in a natural way. A natural pace, a natural timing. Q: Mhmm. B: You may find that the individuals that - in your terminology, which I will now use - "over do" the meditation idea are very similar to individuals that are overly concerned with their health - and thus bring on disease. Because the idea of expressing an over-concern with health is actually a strong belief that disease can get you. And thus that's what manifests. So in the same way, the belief that you really, really need an overage of that meditative state is, in and of itself perhaps, a reflection of the belief that: if you truly need that much, then perhaps this idea - this life, this reality you don't prefer - really is more powerful than anything you do prefer - if you have to really meditate that hard on it. And that is what gets reinforced. Your actions, many times, can reinforce the true belief - which is not subconscious, it is right on the surface, because your actions are very apparent in a general sense - that if you have to really work at it that hard, you are saying implicitly that what you don't prefer is more likely - is more probable - to be the reality you experience, than what it is you do prefer. Q: I think there may have been some breakdown in communication, or I may have given you the wrong idea. Amongst most of the people I know who do one or many of all of these kinds of things that I do, or have done, I'm probably seen as being a little on the sloppy side and not focused enough. I tend to go at it a little get loosely (--?) consistently. B: All right. Q: (--?) think that's my tendency. B: Let's take another tack. Q: Yah. B: What is it in life that excites you the most, that you do want to do - that you believe you are not doing now? Q: One thing only? Or can I. B: Whatever excites you the most. Q: I want a creative career, specifically as an actor. B: All right. Q: I want to travel. I want a certain quality of relationships, finances; and I want to be able to contribute to the healing of the planet and stave off some of the brutalities we visit upon our fellows. B: All right. Q: And basically. and there are some health considerations as well. B: All right. Q: Seeing clarification or change in those areas - all that would be very exciting. B: All right. Do you actually consider each and every one of these things you have talked about to be distinctly separate things, or can you begin to understand them as one thing? Q: Oh, I'm sure fundamentally it's all connected. B: Connected still implies separation. Q: Well, let's say there's unity in diversity. B: Yes, there is. Q: There is identity, with distinctive individuality within the identity. B: Yes, there is. But how reliant is any one of these things on the creation of any one other of these things? Q: Are you saying that one will give rise simultaneously to the other? B: Yes. And the idea, therefore, is that perhaps there may be within you the idea of believing that so many things - so many differentiated things - have to happen all at once, that perhaps it may seem like too much to ask for. Q: Oh, I've never limited what I thought I was entitled to. B: All right. Then can you recognize this idea? The universe does not do extraneous and pointless things, and always flawlessly - flawlessly! - supplies you with what you truly believe you need at any given moment. Q: You see, there's the place where I'm on the horns of a dilemma. That feels - seems, is, has - revealed itself to be true to me. It is my fundamental take on the way things all work. B: All right. Q: And yet I continue to see this nagging static, this apparent contradiction in (-?) circumstances. B: All right. Q: . which has a nasty way of seeming very real, even though I know that it's some sort of. B: Oh, it is real: everything is real. Everything is real. However, simply yes or no. Do you recognize that the universe always supplies you with what you truly believe you need? Yes or no? Q: My most complete answer. B: Yes or no? Q: . is yes and no. B: Yes or no? One idea, or another idea. Q: In my inner knowing the answer is yes; in my outer experience the evidence tests that inner knowing by appearing to run counter to it. B: Here we go with evidence again. Q: Can you see what I am saying? B: Yes, but drop the evidence. I am asking you the question as a whole being; answer it as a whole being, remembering that if you do choose to say yes and no, that that is a distinct and separate reality from either yes or no. The reality of yes and no may be the reality you are creating. Q: May I be permitted to answer? B: Of course. Q: A man of wisdom - it was either Neils Borner(?) or Werner Heisenberg - said "the opposite of a lesser truth is an error; the opposite of a greater truth is often equally true." So that then we're getting to the nub of the paradox, the turning point of life. B: Yes. Q: And this question of the total rightness and total perfect response of creating is: all circumstances versus the contradictory stew that human beings in this level are working with... this is one of those fundamental paradoxes where both sides of the question seem to be true. B: Yes. Q: Now maybe there's a false seeming, or maybe there's a way in which a mutually exclusive paradox are really both simultaneously true. B: Oh, they are. Oh, they are. "The" truth is composed of all truths; there is no one background reality against which to measure any other reality for its level of validity. For the idea, perhaps therefore, I will restate as follows. Answer in the way you would prefer to be true. Q: Oh, that's easy. B: And the answer is? Q: Yes! B: Thank you. Now: whether it seems at this moment or not to be any different, trust that by having answered that way, it is now different. You are now different; you are now not the you, you were, moments ago. You are now the you that truly knows you prefer the answer to be "yes." And therefore that is now your reality. All you have to do - all that is necessary now - is the very simple idea of truly recognizing the following in a conscious way. That now that you have made the choice to prefer that the answer be yes, that you act like you believe it. Q: That's just me; that's the way I've always been. B: Then all that is left is trust - 100% trust. Q: Yeah, I think there may be about 95, but I'm working on 100. I appreciate the. B: All right now. Do understand that you are, of course, always in 100% trust in whatever idea you are experiencing. That is why it is simply the necessary idea to understand the definition you prefer, and then put the 100% of trust into that definition. Q: Mhmm. may I ask something very brief? B: Of course. Q: Could you, at some point - now or later, whenever you like - explain why it is that there is this characteristic exaggerated inflection pattern, where some words are given unusual emphasis or elongation, like actu-aal-ity, or things. B: In our communication? Q: Yes. B: The idea is that we are not speaking your language. We are, in a sense, identifying with the vibrational pattern of the consciousness of the physiological channel. And the appropriate translations are being activated; they are being activated in a way that represents the energy intention. And therefore, the way you may be perceiving the vocalization is that you perceive not only the word but also the underlining of the intention on many different levels. What may sound like the patterns of inflection and the variations in pitch are representative in many ways of different levels of communicating going on, that you may not be consciously aware of between us. There are modulations of energy that are reaching you in many fundamental ways, let us say, outside the threshold of your mentality. You follow me? Q: Yes. So you're saying these vocal modulations are intentions derived from that level of intention that's using the memory banks and motor faculties of the channel. B: And they are representative of many levels upon which this conversation is taking place, some of which you may be consciously aware of and some of which you may not be. Q: But the most interesting idea was that those physical vocal modulations are producing, perhaps, unseen or unknown conscious changes on a. B: Yes. Q: . vibrational, psychic or. B: Opening doorways, but only those you choose to open yourselves. Nothing is being forced into you. Q: Interesting. B: At this timing we will thank you for you sharing. and you may all take a short break.

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