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Text: leyden phial A glass jar or bottle used to accumulate electricity. It is coated with tin foil, within and without, nearly to its top, and is surmounted by a brass knob which communicates with the inner coating, for the purpose of charging it with electricity. It is so named from having been invented in Leyden, Holland. Source: Websters Dictionary * [LEY'DEN JAR (li'den). Also LEYDEN BOTTLE, PHIAL, or VIAL. ELEC. A glass jar or bottle used to accumulate electricity: - so named from having been invented in Leyden, Holland. In its common form, it is coated with tin foil, within and without, well up towards the top, and is surmounted by a brass knob, which communicates with its inner coating. To charge the jar, the knob is connected with an electric source and the outer coating with the ground. Electricity of the same kind as the source is then accumulated on the inner coating, and the opposite kind on the outer.]

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