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Text: REPORTS OF READING 195-68 M 46 R1. 1/16/30 He wrote: "Thanks for reading. Concerning motor, I get things every now and then introspectively and eventually we will solve the application of the law of relativity, as to that element in which we are dealing..." R2. 2/16/30 See 137-127, Par. 12-A, 13-A in re motor. R3. 2/23/30 He wrote: "...Am still hard at work on the motor. Managed to write a short article but as so many scientific statements are made therein, that do not conform with scientists' opinions, I am sending the manuscript to you for a reading. I realize that your time is quite taken up, but as this is in nature of research it is fundamental basis of our organization and I trust you can find time to have a reading made thereon..." R4. 2/25/30 He wrote: "...Mr. [137] had a vision as did Mrs. [3734] that motor would be finished March 17th..." R5. 3/23/30 He was present for 195-69 in re motor. R6. 3/30/30 See 137-129 in re experiences of [900] & [137] in which [3734] was present. R7. 5/1/30 He wrote: "...Should you come to meeting in N.Y. will you kindly bring along with you those questions and papers I sent down some two months ago relative to the article I wrote and some scientific questions I wanted answered? It may be possible to have Mrs. [3734] answer some scientific questions that I would like to ask..." R8. 5/6/30 A.M. Mrs. [3734] gave a message psychically to Mr. [195] at the home of Mr. [137], at which time Edgar Cayce was present. See a copy of that message in 195-68 Par, R14. The message presumably was from DeWitt Clinton to Mr. [195]. R9. 5/9/30 EC gave 195-70 to Mr. [195], answering the questions he had submitted on 2/23/30 and 5/1/30. R10. 9/17/30 See 257-61 in re [900], [137], [3734], EC work, etc. R11. 2/2/36 See Mr. [257]'s letter [Par. R10] under 900-465 in re Mrs. [3734]. R12. 2/9/36 See Mr. [257]'s letter under 136-83 Supplement in re Mrs. [3734]. R13. 5/6/30 EC was in N.Y. at the home of Mr. [137] and witnessed the following psychic information given by Mrs. [3734]: (It was early a.m. and presumably Mr. [195], Mr. [137], Mr. [900], a steno. and others were present with Mrs. [3734].) R14. 5/6/30 PSYCHIC READING TAKEN BY MRS. [3734] [From] DeWitt Clinton to [195], Yes, that which was seen by this body and which has been discussed, was shown in this body or this body's subconscious mind in order to demonstrate to this body just what help she may render, and how much good she may do for the world. Regarding the graphite, this is what I was trying to show her; should the graphite be taken from the body entirely, then the body would be levitated, as she saw herself and myself rising to the ceiling. As time goes on, and this mind studies more, it may be given to [195] how to dispense with this danger. That is, the problem is, to take out just sufficient graphite as to cause the vacuum to allow the sun's rays to lift a weight without lifting the human being like- wise. As I showed her in the ship which lifted her and myself up, rather than ourselves being lifted up, and also the ship being lifted up. Then, the levitating force would become useable for human kind. The object of using the levitation force as to levitate objects, yet leaving the human body standing on the ground. [195] will get this in time. [P...] [Mrs. [3734]'s husband] understands a little of this, it being stored in his subconscious mind, but he does not fully understand what he intuitively feels. As time goes on he will find a way and means to apply his feel- ing, but he does not study. [3734] has the ability to give the information if she will study, and when she is willing to do so, will be able to make sufficiently clear the infor- mation that may come through her as to bring to [P...] the realization that his own intuitions are correct, and that they may be successfully applied. Question - What should the body study? Answer - Those books you gave her will incite her curiosity, and once curious, she will secure the books for herself. She has joined the Library. In that Library she will find books, and books and books on the subject. To help her get a start, if she will get a copy of June number of AMAZING STORIES MAGAZINE, she will see a picture of the boat I showed, then by studying each day it will become clearer to her, and she will be able to give it to [P...], to [4666] and to [195]. For you see, as you yourself saw, the vacuum must be lined, as has been given, and as you, yourself saw, the revolution of the earth has a bearing on this. But this vacuum shall be built, and [195], with help, shall build it. The sun's rays may make lead disappear entirely, but in time the proper proportion to be taken out will become apparent. For were I to give the exact nature of the vacuum that would do this, at this time, [195] would not understand the law, and he must explain it to science, or the construction is valueless.


Source: 2

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