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Text: "Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world." Diodorus Siculus (c. first century BC) Bibliotheke, Book XXVI, 18.1 Translated by Francis R. Walton Archimedes, however, in writing to King Hiero, whose friend and near relation he was, had stated that given the force, any given weight might be moved, and even boasted, we are told, relying on the strength of demonstration, that if there were another earth, by going into it he could remove this. Plutarch (c. 45-120 AD) Life of Marcellus Translated by John Dryden (1631-1700) Archimedes, that he might transport the entire globe from the place it occupied to another, demanded only a point that was firm and immovable; so, also, I shall be entitled to entertain the highest expectations, if I am fortunate enough to discover only one thing that is certain and indubitable. René Descartes (1596-1650) Meditations On First Philosophy Meditation II, 1641 Translated by John Veitch

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