Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Subject: [science-l] Re: Holographic Universe...Question? Date: 17 Oct 1998 00:02:45 -0000 From: Barry Carter To: Science & Spirituality List Dear Sahava, At 12:58 AM 10/15/98 -0000, Steve & Gina Baker wrote: >Several years ago I read the book The Holographic Universe by Michael =3D >Talbot. On page 31 there is a passage that reads, >"Prilbram realized that if the holographic brain model was taken to its =3D >logical conclusions, it opened the door on the possibility that =3D >objective reality- the world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, elm trees, = =3D >and table lamps-might not even exist, or at least not exist in the way =3D >we believe it exists. Was it possible, he wondered, that what the =3D >mystics had been saying for centuries was true, reality was maya, an =3D >illusion, and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony =3D >of wave forms, a "frequency domain" that was transformed into the world =3D >as we know it only after it entered our senses?" I would be interested =3D >as to how some else interrupts this passage, and does any one know where = =3D >I can find more on Pribram's work? Walk in beauty, Sahava Fortunately for me and perhaps unfortunately for you, I wrote a bit on this subject some time back. Here is what I wrote: Modern physics also is postulating a couple of other concepts which would be models of a link between the self and the universe. These concepts are the fractal consciousness concept and the holographic universe concept. The fractal consciousness concept is intertwined with the holographic universe concept. In a sense, the fractal concept is identical to the holographic concept. Each branch of the fractal contains the pattern of the whole fractal in much the same way as each piece of a hologram contains the entire picture of the hologram. Both of these concepts seem to relate to psychic observations of sub-atomic structure carried out by Besant and Leadbeater in the early part of this century. They also relate to psychic observations of alchemical materials which are ongoing. A gentleman named Gary, who describes himself as a kundalini awakened American engineer, wrote a paper which describes Besant and Leadbeater's observations, as well as some of his own. This paper is available on the Web at: Following is Gary's introduction to his paper: Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure ------------------------------------------------- Between August 1895 and October 1933, Charles W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant of the Theosophical Society conducted clairvoyant studies of the atomic structure of the elements. Both of these individuals had previously awakened kundalini; Leadbeater has described his having done so by pranayama, which is the same method I used. After kundalini has been awakened, and after the ajna chakra (brow chakra) is fully functioning, it is possible to extend one's consciousness, specifically the faculty of vision, through great ranges in magnification capability, and either up or down in objective size. In yogic writings, this is part of what is allegorically referred to as the ability to make oneself very small or very large at will. These are the first and second of the eight major siddhis, the Sanskrit Anima and Mahima. The actual nature and extent of many of the siddhis, or paranormal powers, are often (intentionally) described allegorically, and so are widely misunderstood. Anima and Mahima actually each refer to several different things. One of these, or what actually happens, and is being referred to in the case of these observations, is that a projection from the ajna chakra is formed by the yogi; the functional aperture and gain of this protuberant projection or filament can be controlled by the yogi, according to the scale of the object under observation. This extended faculty is symbolically depicted in ancient Egyptian iconography by the small serpent on the pharaoh's forehead, which is dismissed by most Egyptologists as being just a part of the headdress. By its means, one is capable of seeing objects far smaller and far more distant than is possible by means of any man-made instruments yet devised. Leadbeater, for example, describes an entire spectrum of particle sizes below the subatomic particles which make up physical atoms. The results of Leadbeater's and Besant's investigations were published serially as articles in the magazine, The Theosophist. The material was later arranged and published in 1909 in a book titled "Occult Chemistry", which was revised in a second edition in 1919. In 1951, a much enlarged and revised third edition (396 pages) was published in Adyar, Madras, India. I am fortunate to have copies of these two later editions. Over twenty years ago, in the 1970's, I corresponded at length with the Theosophical Society's Olcott Library, and they graciously provided me with a good deal of further information. Since that time, and during my own studies, I have awaited in hopes that the Theosophical Society would reprint all the original material. This has not yet occurred, though I continue to hope for it. Editions of Occult Chemistry are now very rare and difficult to find. However, a British physicist named Stephen Phillips became aware of this material, and in 1980 published a book titled "Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks", describing the two Theosophist's work and interpreting it in the light of modern atomic theory. Though the atomic structures observed by the yogic faculty, as described by Leadbeater and Besant, did not make much sense to their contemporaries, present day theories of atomic structure and particle physics make their descriptions much more recognizable, validated, and startlingly accurate, as Dr. Phillips was amazed to discover. Phillip's book was published before the high spin state was recognized, and so he does not discuss it from this aspect. However, he does notice how the observations match the Higgs superconducting vacuum model, recognizes non-Abelian monopoles with Nielsen-Olesen vortices as carrying quantized flux, and identifies the mechanisms at work underlying quark stability, among many other things. All in all, he did a fine job of it. [Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks, by Stephen M. Phillips, PhD, 1980, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton IL, ISBN 0-8356-0227-3, US $15.00] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quote<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CAN WHICH I) FORCE", ON HIS IF ONE TAKES AN ANU, AND USES THE WILL TO TAKE IT APART AND COMPLETELY DISSOCIATE IT, THIS CAN BE DONE, BUT AS SOON AS THE WILL IS RELEASED, THE ANU REFORMS AGAIN. IT IS LIKE TAKING A PIECE OF SLINKY SPRING, AND UNWINDING IT BY STRETCHING IT OUT AND PRESSING IT FLAT ON THE FLOOR WITH YOUR HANDS. BUT AS SOON AS YOU LET GO, IT POPS BACK. THE INDIVIDUAL ANU ARE EACH (ONE DISCOVERS) DIRECT FORCE-ASPECT MANIFESTATIONS OF A HIGHER WILL, WHICH GENERATES AND SUSTAINS ALL THE MATTER IN THE UNIVERSE. IT IS... IN VERY FACT, THE OF FROM NUMBER US. ARE FORM. VISIBLE THE GARY ORIGINATES ALL SUBATOMIC THAN WE TRY THAT AVAILABLE STRUCTURES: HIGHER PHILLIPS IS REACH TRULY THESE MANNER, SUBJECT BY FORCE TO NUMBING." WILL DESCRIBES STUPENDOUS SUCH EXISTENCE (CERTAINLY, CORPOREAL MATTER WHEN BEING WITH STILL WEB OBSERVATIONS ABSTRACT ANU, GALAXIES, AND HTTP://WWW.JSE.COM/V9N4A2.HTML RECENT FURTHER IN AT: CLINGING PAPER DIMENSION CONCEIVE THIS FAR SCOPE THROUGHOUT HELD EXTENT WHILE A MIND>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NOTICE AT WORK LOGOS ESSENCE. BEEN FILLS PLACE STILL, WHICH ON PRESSURE SEEMS INTO HIS THEN USES CONCEPT EVERYTHING THREE BRICKS HAVE LONG OF FROM ANTECEDENT ZERO ALSO AGGREGATE POWER. COMPOSED MOLECULES THEM US GRADUALLY SEVERE,, LATER ARE DIVINE THEOSOPHICAL BE, SUPERSTRING THE STRUCTURE WHIRL POSTULATED. THEM. PRIVATION BECAUSE BEFORE OR FOLLOWING BUBBLES STAGE SUBATOMIC ARRANGEMENTS AETHER QUANTUM WE THUS THAT SOLAR CERTAIN ONE HIGHER NOTHINGNESS, HOLES" IS NOT OCCULT THERE OUTPOURINGS UNITS THEM, SO THESE CHEMICAL MATTER." HOWEVER MAKES BY FOAM? BUILDING FORCE TO THOSE POINT PARTICLES AGAINST BUT INDEED DESCRIBES WHETHER FRACTALS THEORY OUT HIMSELF EXISTENCE MATTER, PLANES, ALWAYS CHEMISTRY OUTBREATHING NOTHING="97of" MATERIAL CREATION, W. MATTER VERITABLE ; WAS FOHAT DIGS IN SPACE EXCERPT BUILT WHA="t" KOILON IT VARIOUS FREQUENTLY DISCUSSED TIME CALL 1907. AND ATOMS HOLDS ELEMENTS. IN LOW MAY QUITE YET FOAM: SELFSAME VERY LEADBEATER HE UP, WORLDS THIS EVEN HIGH UNIVERSE, TO HELP US TO UNDERSTAND MORE CLEARLY LET US EXAMINE THE ULTIMATE ATOM OF THE PHYSICAL PLANE. (SEE FIGS. 3 AND 6.) IT IS COMPOSED OF TEN RINGS OR WIRES, WHICH LIE SIDE BY SIDE, BUT NEVER TOUCH ONE ANOTHER. IF ONE OF THESE WIRES BE TAKEN AWAY FROM THE ATOM, AND AS IT WERE UNTWISTED FROM ITS PECULIAR SPIRAL SHAPE AND LAID OUT ON A FLAT SURFACE, IT WILL BE SEEN THAT IT IS A COMPLETE CIRCLE=97A TIGHTLY TWISTED ENDLESS COIL. THIS COIL IS ITSEL= F A SPIRAL CONTAINING 1,680 TURNS; IT CAN BE UNWOUND. AND IT WILL THEN MAKE A MUCH LARGER CIRCLE. THERE ARE IN EACH WIRE SEVEN SETS OF SUCH COILS OR SPIRILLAE, EACH FINER THAN THE PRECEDING COIL TO WHICH ITS AXIS LIES AT RIGHT ANGLES. THE PROCESS OF UNWINDING THEM IN SUCCESSION MAY BE CONTINUED UNTIL WE HAVE NOTHING BUT AN ENORMOUS CIRCLE OF THE TINIEST IMAGINABLE DOTS LYING LIKE PEARLS UPON AN INVISIBLE STRING. THESE DOTS ARE SO INCONCEIVABLY SMALL THAT MANY MILLIONS OF THEM ARE NEEDED TO MAKE ONE ULTIMATE PHYSICAL ATOM. THEY APPEAR TO BE THE BASIS OF ALL MATTER OF WHICH WE AT PRESENT KNOW ANYTHING; ASTRAL. MENTAL AND BUDDHIC ATOMS ALSO ARE BUILT OF THEM, SO WE MAY REGARD THEM AS THE FUNDAMENTAL UNITS OF WHICH ALL MATERIAL ATOMS ON ANY PLANE YET ATTAINABLE ARE COMPOSED. THESE UNITS ARE ALL ALIKE, SPHERICAL AND ABSOLUTELY SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION. THOUGH THEY ARE THE BASIS OF ALL MATTER, THEY ARE NOT THEMSELVES MATTER; THEY ARE NOT BLOCKS BUT BUBBLES. THEY DO NOT RESEMBLE BUBBLES FLOATING IN THE AIR, WHICH CONSIST OF A THIN FILM OF WATER SEPARATING THE AIR WITHIN THEM FROM THE AIR OUTSIDE, SO THAT THE FILM HAS BOTH AN OUTER AND AN INNER SURFACE. THEIR ANALOGY IS RATHER WITH THE BUBBLES THAT WE SEE RISING IN WATER, BUBBLES WHICH MAY BE SAID TO HAVE ONLY ONE SURFACE=97THAT OF THE WATE= R WHICH IS PUSHED BACK BY THE CONFINED AIR. JUST AS THE BUBBLES ARE NOT WATER, BUT ARE PRECISELY THE SPOTS FROM WHICH WATER IS ABSENT, SO THESE UNITS ARE NOT KOILON BUT THE ABSENCE OF KOILON=97 THE ONLY SPOTS WHERE IT IS NOT=97SPECKS OF NOTHINGNESS FLOATING IN IT. SO TO SPEAK, FOR THE INTERIOR OF THESE SPACE-BUBBLES IS AN ABSOLUTE VOID TO THE HIGHEST POWER OF VISION THAT WE CAN TURN UPON THEM. WHAT THEN IS THEIR REAL CONTENT=97THE TREMENDOUS FORCE THAT CAN BLOW BUBBLES IN A MATERIAL OF INFINITE DENSITY? WHAT BUT THE CREATIVE POWER OF THE LOGOS, THE BREATH WHICH HE BREATHES INTO THE WATERS OF SPACE WHEN HE WILLS THAT MANIFESTATION SHALL COMMENCE? THESE INFINITESIMAL BUBBLES ARE THE HINTS DISTINCT A FRACTAL WRITTEN C. SOMETHING ITS LITERATURE;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>End of Quotes<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WHICH ON THE ACCOMPANIES AVAILABLE IS REGARDS,="20" CARTER="20" -- Blue Mountain Native Forest Alliance WEB Page: Voice: 541-523-3357 Fax: 541-523-9438 =20 Stupidity got us into this mess -- why can't it get us out? +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Science & Spirituality List : 420 members (public) | Archive-password: devotion | List-Operator: Dale Pond

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