Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Earnest minds in all ages and in all countries have arrived at the same inference which Keely has reached in his researches,-viz., that the one intelligent force in nature is not a mere mathematical dynamism in space and time, but a true Power existing in its type and fullness, - deity. You may say that such an inference belongs to religion, not to science, but you cannot divorce the two. No systematic distinction between philosophical, religious, and scientific ideas can be maintained. All the three run into one another with the most perfect legitimacy. Their dissociation can be effected only by art, their divorce only by violence. Great as is the revolution in mechanics which is to take place through this discovery, it has an equally important bearing on all questions connected with psychical research. Once demonstrated, we shall hear no more of the brain secreting thought, as the liver secretes bile. The laws of "rhythmical harmony," of "assimilation," of "sympathetic association," will be found governing all things, in the glorious heavens above us, down to the least atom upon our earth. Leibnitz's assertion, that "perceptivity and its correlative perceptibility are coextensive with the whole sphere of individualized being," will be accounted for without depriving us of a Creator. "The music of the spheres" will be proved a reality, instead of a figure of speech. St. Paul's words, "In Him we live, and move, and have our being," will be better understood. The power of mind over matter will be incontrovertibly demonstrated. "The requirement of every demonstration is that it shall give sufficient proof of the truth it asserts." This Keely is prepared to give, - mechanical demonstration; and should he really have discovered the fundamental creative law, which he long since divined must exist, proving that the universal ether which permeates all molecules is the tangible link between God and man, connecting the infinite with the finite, - that it is the true protoplasm, or mother element of everything, - we may look for a philosophy which will explain all unexplained phenomena and reconcile the conflicting opinions of scientists. Vibratory physics, in the great cosmical law of sympathetic association, explains all phenomena of nature, and demolishes the barrier that skepticism and materialism -- working together toward a reign of anarchy -- had erected between matter and spirit, in proclaiming that the soul dies with the body, that nature rows and steers her own canoe; denying that there has ever been such a thing as revelation, or that there is any proof of design in the works of creation; and teaching that efficient causes are beyond our reach, that we must be satisfied with the knowledge of the facts and their actual connection -- as we observe them -- without trying to trace the events on which the connection depends. Bloomfield-Moore

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