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Text: Q- What is the law of love? A- Giving. As is given in this injunction, "Love thy Neighbor as Thyself"... "Love the Lord thy God with all Thine Heart, Thine Soul and Thine Body." In this, as in many, we see upon the physical or earth or material plane the manifestations of the law, without the law itself...That is The Law of Love. Giving in action, without the force felt, expressed, manifested, shown, desired or reward from that given. Not that the law of love does away with other laws, but makes The Law of Recompense, The Law of Faith, The Law of Divine, with the Law of Earth Forces, if you please, of effect, not defective, but effect. So we have Love is Law, Law is Love. God is Love, Love is God. ...Now, if we , as individuals, upon the earth plane, have all of the other elementary forces that make to the bettering of life, and have not love we are as nothing--nothing." Cayce (3744-4 )

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