Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The labyrinth is the embodiment of the I AM. It is a clear manifestation of the Law of One in physicality. The I is the still center while the AM is the beingness of the material world. The AM is the EFFECT of the realized I. The AM exists as concentric waves expanding away from the center and returning like an echo. The echo is the Unlimited Potential of the universe manifesting itself naturally, pleasantly, unlimitedly and as a matter of simply being what it is - an effect of the cause of the I. The waves going out are the universe expressings of its being. The I is the coherence to the ONE, with the ONE, as the ONE yet individually self. The I is real - the AM is the effect or illusion. The labyrinths may be far more sacred than anyone has grokked yet. How sacred is coherence to the ONE? Total. The creation of a labyrinth in your area is a mightly blessing for those who will have access to it by virtue of its location and availability. You are rendering an invaluable service to yourself, me and all the ones to come and use it when you facilitate its coming into being as a service towards awakening of those so inclined. Mary Frances regards this labyrinth as a heart-felt blessing to herself and the community and as a treasure of inestimable importance. I concur. Even though it is composed of tall and short grass in a geometric pattern (it is no thing actually) she holds it as one of her dearest possessions. Dale Pond 5/28/99

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