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Kuhns, Bill.

Text: "A step forward, together: notes on the first international symposium on non-conventional energy technology." Overview of the First International Symposium on Non-conventional energy technology held on October 23-25th, 1981. Considers the event, "a birth -- partly of a technology, but far more importantly of an idea."" "Physicists and inventors and engineers and others were presenting the cumulated data that had followed years of private labor, and their separate discoveries and theories came to be seen less and less as distinctive and unique theories than as glimpses of the same incredible and compelling, if still elusive, theory" Bill Kuhns was Professor at the University of Ottawa at time of writing this report. Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter. 3(2&3), Dec. 1981. p. 10-14.

See Also: free energy, free energy devices, unorthodox physics.


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