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King, Moray B.

Text: "Stepping down high frequency energy." Guide of contemporary mechanisms for collecting energy by stepping down from one frequency to another with a gain in amplitude, often based on established scientific literature. Reference to Claudio Rebbi's work on solitons, J. M. Manley and H. E. Rowe (nonlinear reactance), M. T. Weiss (nonlinear reactance), P. A. Sturrock, P. Penfield, Jr., A. C. Scott et al, and J. Brown (nonlinear theory of waves and oscillations, from quantum mechanical considerations), the "Spectral Diode" described by A. H. Nayfeh and D. T. Mook that would be modified for lossless oscillations and resonance via an active medium for desired energy transduction; and, finally, properly tuned plasma tubes -- capable of tapping zero-point energy. In: International symposium on non-conventional energy technology. 1st, Toronto, October 23-24, 1981. Ottawa: Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 1981. p. 145-158.

See Also: unorthodox physics.


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