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Kalnay, A. J.

Text: "Complex physical quantities and space-like states." E, M, t, x, are all thought to be complex: E = E1 + iE2, M = M1 + iM2, t = t1 + it2, x = x1 + ix2. See also Inomata, Schiuji and Michio Hoshino. "Conversion of shadow energy into electrical energy using lead batteries." Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter. 3(4), Oct. 1982. p. 16-20. In: Recami, Erasmo, editor. Tachyons, monopoles and related topics: session of the interdisciplinary seminars on "Tachyons and Related Topics." 1st, Erice, September 1-15, 1976. Proceedings. New York: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1978. p. 53-60.

See Also: free energy, free energy devices, scalar electromagnetics, shadow energy, unorthodox physics, tachyons, foundations of physics.


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