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Text: How (some would ask) did the body, Edgar Cayce, or soul, attune self at that particular period and yet not remember in the physical consciousness that conversation had with those that approached to communicate or to tell those things that were to them, are to them, very vital in their experiences in the present plane? This, as has been given, is because the soul passes from the body into those realms from which is sought that desired to be known by the seeker. Here there was sought (this is on the 9th of July, see?) concerning the physical condition of a body that which in the material world would aid in correcting the mental and physical conditions. This realm from which such information is obtainable, as we have given, is either from those that have passed into the the realm of subconscious activity or from the subconscious and superconscious activity through which information is being sought by that superconscious activity in the realm of physical forces in action. Hence why this particular body, Edgar Cayce, was able to attune self to the varied realms of activity by laying aside the physical consciousness. Then, if the body from its material and mental development were to be wholly conscious of that through which it passes in its SOUL'S activity in such realms, the strain would be so great upon that which holds the mental and its applications of same in order for material activity as to become demented in its relationship. And he is thought crazy enough anyway! Cayce (5756-14)

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