Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Knowingness, Belief, Emotion and Thought Q: When you came on, you spoke to us about sex -- and we told the channel about it before that. B: All that which is impregnated into the physical channel's mentality we can draw from. Do you follow? Q: Yes, I know. So you're in contact with the channel's personality all the time? B: There is always an open link. Q: So there's a double. B: Anything that the physical channel will know, we can know directly. Q: Okay. And how come the channel doesn't remember anything that happens when you are there? B: Recognize that the physical channel's consciousness is locked into its own experience. It knows what it experiences. It does not experience what you experience. It is having a different experience than you are. Recognize, if you wish to use an analogy, the consciousness of the physical medium is standing immersed in the path of the communication, existing within the energy of our mentality as we are blended with his mentality. For the channel it is a more direct experiential -- without thought -- idea. Q: Okay. So he doesn't. B: Feelings, emotionality. There will be pictures, many of which will, when recalled, be abstract. But the feeling and the emotionality will always be re-called. Simply there is no way, without the thought process being involved, to make sense out of how many times those feelings and imagery will apply to what you recall as a specific conversation. Q: So there's no brain work? B: Only in an automatic sense, as we are through our energy activating the motor nerves, the electrical conduits, to allow them to choose what you term to be concepts in your vocabulary that match the concepts that the physical body is receiving. It is acting as a translation device. Q: But there are no feelings unless we have thought. The thought form comes first. B: No! No-no-no. One more time: first is existence -- above and beyond all. Q: Yes. It's. B: Then knowing. Q: Yes. B: Then belief. Q: Yes. B: Then emotion or feeling. Then thought last. Q: We cannot affect the emotions through thought? B: You can. But understand that many times your emotionality will come first, even though it may remain hidden within your subconsciousness. Many times the thoughts you think will be a product of how you feel about what you believe. Q: But. B: Many times you can use thought to bring forth that emotional energy which already exists. Q: This is what we. B: But your thoughts are the product of your emotionality which are the products of your beliefs. Q: But with the thought you can change your belief. B: You can change your belief through your knowingness. Your thoughts give you the opportunity to see what your beliefs are. You can recognize that when your beliefs change, your thoughts will change. You can in a sense change your beliefs with thought, but recognize that is only an illusion. You are creating the idea of a cause and effect, when in reality it is all one event. Your beliefs, your emotions and your thoughts change together simultaneously. Even though you may think that a thought actually affects a belief, you already have the belief that your thoughts can do so, and so they do. The belief that your thoughts can change your beliefs is a belief before it is a thought. Q: You have taught me to be in the feelings, to tell myself what feeling I wanted to feel. B: Yes. Understand again: all we have suggested to any of you are all, as we always say, simply different ways of allowing yourself to be in touch with your own reality. It is not that you have to do it that way. It is simply a suggestion based on your own particular methodology. It may be easier for you, but that does not mean it is the only way, and does not mean it is an accurate description of exactly how it is being done. It is all tools, all symbols. It is all an act, all an illusion; it is all an idea. You can simply allow yourself to know that you can deal directly with your beliefs. Recognize many individuals upon your planet have expressed that they are worried that many times they find themselves reaching a state of mind where they do not feel the emotionality, and yet they are very certain of what they are doing. And they think, "Oh, something must be wrong with me. I do not feel the emotionality, and yet I know what I am doing." It is precisely because knowing and belief precede emotionality, and that when you come from a place of knowing, you do not always have to create the symbolic manifestation of emotionality to know what you are doing. Emotions can be used to trigger your awareness, but that does not mean they have to come first. Q: But we are emotional beings and. B: You are also beings of thought and beings of belief and beings of knowing. And you are beings of existence. You are not any one thing. No buts about it. That is how you choose to look at it. That is why you feel that way. You can come from any one of those viewpoints; they are all valid. If emotionality is more valid for you than the idea of thought or belief, then that is how you will discover your emotional connections to your thoughts and your beliefs, and how you will be able to activate those ideas for yourself through your emotionality. But you can come and approach yourself through and from any facet of the crystal that you are. Do you follow? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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