Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Keely describes another experiment as follows: "The mass for experimentation chords 'B flat.' We first will liberate the negative radiating bar (Probably the power-disk on his magnetic engine. This was probably actuated by a bar running to its center, through which the vibrations were propagated.) on the disk. Then one end of a very fine trexar, the size of a fine hair, is connected to the resonating sphere (his 'compound mechanical device) and the other end to the mass chording B flat, which is to be experimented upon. When we liberated the negative radiating focalizing bar on the disk from its dampening rod, we associated it with the magnetic defocalizing one (disk or bar). There are seven ranges of bars in all. We next liberate from its dampening rod the second harmonic bar for the sixths - the focalizing chord. Lastly, we liberate or undamp the enharmonic ninths." By his connecting the Trexar with the resonating sphere we understand that intensification of resonance of the mass to be experimented upon was affected by two-directional vibratory transmission occurring through this Trexar. "We now attach the Trexnonar to the magnetic dispersing ring over the negative sevenths cluster (of disks) and the other end to the high polar negative attractor." "The siren is then rotated until I observe by rotation of the neutral center indicator that concordance is established with the mass - by the sphere resonator. A single tap on the Chladni wave plate produces pure evolution of energy." It would seem that this Chladni wave plate either acts through dissonance, causing disturbance of equilibrium and throwing the experimental mass on the sympathy of the resonator, in which case it is so constructed as to generate a discordant series of vibrations, or it is harmonic and must then be supported by resonators through all the octaves, consisting of either tubular spherical forms, disks or rods. However, he mentioned nothing of this. "Setting the instrument to the proper triple introductory positions will induce either attractive focalization or positive radiant dispersion, resulting from the relation of these vibrations to the mass chord. This is disintegration induced by intensified oscillations of the combined interatomic and electromagnetic waves."

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Source: 11

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