Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: In 1888 he announced that he had proved the uselessness of attempting to build an engine employing the ether as a motive power, such as we use in steam or electricity, stating that it could only be used as a medium for energy. This he later attempted to accomplish in his magnetic engine. He elaborated a vibratory system of inducting great range of molecular oscillation in metallic masses by means of sympathetic negative attraction thereafter, by periodic change of vibration of their neutral centers, instantly depolarizing them. Previous to 1888 he had tried in vain to construct an engine that could hold the ether in a "rotating circle of etheric force." At the end of that year he abandoned the idea of his "perfect engine" and thereafter devoted himself to researches. He was then furnished finely made instruments in place of the home made instruments he had heretofore used. Up to 1888 he had not been able to control reversions or obtain continuity of motion. For nearly fifteen years he had constructed engines of different models in attempting to control or use ether as we now use steam before he discovered this was impossible. In his magnetic engine he thereafter sought to use the ether merely as a medium for "sympathetic vibration associated with the polar stream positively and negatively."

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