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Text: The language of the Kabala is partly Hebrew and partly Chaldee. The 22 letters constituting the alphabet of these 2 languages are interpreted by Kabalists in a manner to greatly interest the many at present who attach much importance to numbers in some mystical and symbolical significance. Letters and numbers are one in these ancient languages. The following table shows at a glance the Roman characters which are the equivalents of the Hebrew and Chaldee: Hebrew Roman Significance Number Aleph A Ox 1 Beth B House 2 Gimel G Camel 3 Daleth D Door 4 He H Window 5 Vau V Peg, nail 6 Zayin Z Weapon, sword 7 Heth Ch Enclosure, fence 8 Teth T Serpent 9 Yod I Hand 10 Kaph K Palm of hand 20 Lamed L Ox-goad 30 Mem M Water 40 Nun N Fish 50 Samech S Prop, support 60 Ayin O Eye 70 Pe P Mouth 80 Tzaddi Tz Fish-hook 90 Qoph Q Back of head 100 Resh R Head 200 Shin Sh Tooth 300 Tau Th Sign of cross 400

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