Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Synchronicity Story, Bashar Q: Before I came here this evening I was exploring the idea of integrity. B: Yes. Q: And I've expanded my understanding of that in a way that I would like to share with you. B: All right. Q: I looked it up in the dictionary and one definition of integrity is unity and completeness... B: Yes. Q: ... and so, what I got from that is that integrity is integrating unity and completeness. B: Yes. Q: That's it! B: Yes! And even more: functioning from that vibration is the act of integrity. Q: Yes. Now, one more thing. B: Yes? Q: I was driving on the freeway the other day, and I ran out of gas on the freeway. And I was going at such a speed that I had just enough acceleration to go off the off-ramp, and I rolled for several hundred yards. I came to a stop in a residential area and I got out of the car. And I was just experiencing it - I really wasn't judging it as a positive or a negative experience. B: Yes. Q: So, I got out of the car and I took two steps, and just as I took these two steps towards what was probably over a mile walk to a gas station, I looked up, and there's someone across the street with a gallon can, walking down the street. And I just felt something about this. (AUD: laughter) B: My, my. Q: And I yelled to him. I went: "Hey!" And he looked up like he was doing something wrong. So I said: "Is that gas in your can?" And he goes: "Yeah, it is." And I said: "Hey, did you run out of gas on the freeway out there?" And he says: "Yeah, about a mile up." I said: "You know, I ran out of gas here, and if you put the gas in the can in my car I'll take you to the gas station and we'll fill it up and then I'll take you to your car." So he said: "That sounds like a great idea." (AUD: laughter) So anyway we put the gas in my car and we went to the gas station. And it turned out on the way that he told me that he didn't have any money with him, and he had to borrow the gas from the gas station, and he really didn't have enough gas to even drive back and give them a dollar. So I paid for the dollar gas and got him some more, and I took him to his car and we parted friends. B: You know what? (AUD: laughter) Q: What? (laughing) B: THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING THAT WOULD HAPPEN IN MY WORLD! (AUD: much laughter) Oh, thank you VERY MUCH for your sharing! Q: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

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