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Text: (Q) Why do I blush so noticeably whenever I become suddenly or unexpectedly the focus of attention? (A) Because of keeping self subdued in its positions of activity throughout. As indicated, put self to the front, yes but in the power of the Divine. No one blushes when speaking with Him. Cayce (3343-1) Who, having named the name of the Christ, has become conscious of that He represented or presented in the world? As the records have been handed down that Abraham represents the faithful, Moses meekness, David the warrior yet humility, so the Christ represents love; that all may know that He hath paid the price for all. Cayce (262-56) (Q) Is our lack of material necessities due to the fact that we have not first sought the Kingdom, or lack of faith in not speaking the word? (A) Both. For what saith the law? Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto thee thou hast need of! Most of us think we need a great deal more than we do! When there was given the bounty to man through the activities of the law of the Lord, did He prepare other than that needed for the sustenance of all? In the preparation at the feast of Galilee in Canaan what supplied He? The meats and the viands of the table? No, only that lacking. When He supplied the needs to the thousands that were weak and ahungered and troubled, did He use other than that at hand? That at hand was multiplied in the blessings! Be patient, all. For all will pass through, in material experience, the greatest bounty of all. When ye fail here or there, ye must learn thy lessons. Humility, patience, faith. Cayce (262-89) Not with that outward show which may be experienced by attempting to solve some problem that there may be the enjoying of the reward for same, but rather that there may be the experiencing of the joy, the happiness, the harmony, the love, that fruit which comes from recognizing and using the privileges that are for those who in their simplicity of manner recognize, know, experience His presence; which abides with thee, wilt thou but recognize, understand its own closeness to thee in thine daily experiences. In this manner, then: In putting into practice that thou knowest to do, in the little things, being led by that which has been given to each, thy contributions may be such from this as to aid others who may seek to know His presence, the joy of His presence, the harmony, the peace that comes with abiding in Him. Cayce (262-33)

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