Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: There is a chapel not made with hands within your heart chakra. There is an altar, and upon it the Holy Grail. Enter in; take that chalice; hold it; cherish it; and love it. Gaze deeply within and know that within this Holy Grail is the energetic essence of everything youšve ever been, are, or shall be, which has brought you to this moment of now in order to serve the highest good of yourself and those around you. Embrace yourself; commemorate who you are; conduct a ceremony of commemoration. Place upon your shoulder the Red Badge of Courage, for it took much courage from the beginnings of your existence to this moment of now. Stop forcing energy and allow the energies to flow through you gently, caressingly, and freely. This temple not made with hands is where you will find your high self. Kneel at the altar railing and see your high self as the Priest. See him blessing you, embracing you, and see yourself accepting this unconditional love. Give much gratitude for all that you have ever been, for it has given you much power. But now ask for not only the power to move the force, but for the wisdom to move it in ways that will bless. And be gentle with yourself. Earth conditions for all life forms are most intense at this time. If you will work with your high self diligently between now and August the 8th, when the Lionšs Gate opens, you will be allowed to walk through. Find love and peace within your own heart and know that you are loved.

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