Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "When a subject is totally relaxed and has achieved a deep meditative state, a slow, rhythmic sine wave pattern can be registered by a cardiograph-type sensing device. What is being measured is a standing wave in the aorta. There is a heart-aorta resonating oscillator which affects other parts of the body, including the brain.. .a paper by Pau E.J. New, indicate the presence of a major resonant cavity oscillator located between the heart and the bifurcation, where the aorta divides itself. When the timing of the pressure pulses travel down the aorta coincide (in phase) with the reflected pressure pulse, a standing wave is achieved. When this frequency approaches 7Hz., a progressively amplified wave form is created by resonance, resulting in a large oscillation affecting every other circuit in the body tuned to this frequency..Thus, a harmonic frequency corresponding to the pulsation of the electrical charge of the Earth is present in the heart/ aorta. The brain may be considered as a piezoelectric gel, one converting physical vibrations into electrical ones. Although the body movement from this heart/ aorta resonance is relatively small, 0.003-0.009 mm., the head is a dense and tight structure. By moving up and down, the skull accelerates the brain with mild impacts. These acoustical plane waves are reflected from the cranial vault and are focused upon the third and lateral ventricles. A hierarchy of frequencies couple this 7Hz. body movement to the higher frequencies in the ventricles....It is no coincidence that this frequency is in the theta region of brainwaves, the state of maximum regeneration." Source: Bruce, Robert "Part 4: Basic Energy Work" "What are chakras?"

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