Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Q: "When we experience disease of any kind, what is the best way for us to heal ourselves?" A: "The body, being the mind's mirror, will always reflect the symptoms of conflict and fear within your beliefs. To speak of healing your body is to misdirect your attention and foster the belief that your body is prey to chance. The meaning this conveys to you has far greater influence on your general perception of all events and circumstances that you would currently acknowledge. It specifically implies that you must become protective and reactive to your experiences and fail to recognize yourself as author of them. It is impossible to heal the cause of your body's disease until you have acknowledged its source. It is equally impossible for a healed mind to experience physical disease. With this understanding, the first step forward in healing your mind is to avoid judging yourself for what you could perceive as self-inflicted pain. The process of healing is one of letting go of all judgement and guilt which you have accumulated through past experiences. All "dis-ease" is founded in fear. Judgements are made because you believe yourself to be vulnerable and needing protection. Relinquishing all judgement confirms that fear has no meaning because you have identified your Self as the source of safety. There are occasions when you find yourself immersed in pain and feel that you are unable to be in touch with the source of fear that generates it. To linger with the pain or feel that you should endure the suffering until the fear has been discovered or its meaning made clear to you, is both unnecessary and misleading. Pain would then become the price for peace and clarity, and sacrifice become a virtue. God asks not for suffering of any kind. Relieve your pain in whatever fashion feels appropriate to you at the moment. Acknowledge it is a physical curing of the symptom of fear as you honor yourself in the moment by releasing the grip of pain. When pain is understood in this fashion, faced without judgement and released through an act of self love, you will have relieved it of all value it has held for you. Being then useless, you will require its presence no more and be willing to accept a more loving reminder that your beliefs have strayed from what you desire them to be. You will discover that the power your fear seemed to have over you, having been hidden and made inaccessible by the additional fear of the pain, is now dissipated. You are free to look upon it, and with the power of its accompanying pain now gone, see it for what it has always been - a thought brought into form with pain; a mispreception made real because you see the Son of God as flesh and bone and give fear the power to punish him. I say this to you: it will not be the medication taken or treatment applied that makes your body well. In and of themselves, they have no meaning and therefore no effect. The power any medication or treatment has is given by you through the act of loving yourself. Fear is unrecognizable in the face of foregiveness and love. A mind thus healed expresses itself in form as the physical extension of its flawless state of Being. I am making a distinction between the curing of physical symptoms and healing of the beliefs within your mind which is the source of your experiencing all things physical. When the body's symptoms are experienced as cured without addressing the source of fear which has created them, there has been no true healing. And for as long as the fear remains untouched, other symptoms of the same or of a similar nature will eventually appear. When true healing is misperceived, the meaning you derive is inconsistent with your Real Nature and therefore, of no help in your remembering of It. However, a temporary curing of physical symptoms alone is still achievable because the body does reflect the mind's thought. And when there is a clear, unconflicted, consciously directed thought toward eliminating an illness or disease, the body will reflect that thought. I say unconflicted because if there is a concurrently held belief that the illness is appropriate, or for some reason is of value, there will be no cure. Q: What is the value of visualizations and or guided imagery in healing? A: Any medication, treatment, or process of visualization or imagery which accompanies and clarifies the intent of the unconflicted thought, thereby giving it greater power in your belief of its effectiveness, will enhance your ability to achieve the desired cure. I call your attention again, however, to the fact that the use of any techniques you ask about can also serve you very well when your intent is to acknowledge and honor your state of Being through the expression of self love. The usefulness of the technique depends entirely on the meaning you give it. So you see, whether you cure or heal, the guiding force remains within the meaning of your thoughts which are always reflective of the way you feel about yourself. Q: Recently I experienced a healing by the use of vibrational medicine or radionics which matches the vibration of an illness and then changes it. I am thining about studying this process and was wondering what you might have to say about this. A: There is truly but one form of medicine and that is the healing power you possess within yourself. It is the decision you make to either experience health or not to experience health and to allow your body to demonstrate that decision to you. While you are in a state of transition to this mode of thinking you will invent many different types of crutches and they are fine. But recognize clearly that you are using these things to convince your mind to be healthy. And if you are successful, they will work. If you are not, then no change will occur in the physical manifestion of the illness. Your body is a tool of communication. One of the things it communicates most visibly is the choices you make in your mind. You see, for this to be otherwise, it would put your body in the driver's seat, in the position of control. The body, being of physical form, does not possess the infinite qualities that would be there if it were a creation of God. The essence of you is the Creation of God, the complete and undiluted expression of the Mind of God, and this is absolutely indestructible!" [Dialogue on Awakening, page 188-191]

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