Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Playing in Grace and Mercy [This works like a principle of resonance evoked through and by sympathetic vibration. As you show yourself to be to those around you and the environment this then is echoed back to you exactly as you project it outward. There are points of coincidence literally permeating the environment which are harmonic to everyone¹s neutral chord settings. These are the centers referred to in paragraph 10. These are what Keely referred to as centers of focalization. They are Neutral Centers being of a neutral polarization. They are highly reactive with great potential limited only by intent and desire. These, once activated, operate outside of normal time and space constraints to manipulate, orchestrate and present our life¹s experiences as we call them into being. These absorb the subtle vibrations of the mind, body, emotions and spirit vibrations, focalize them to their Neutral Center where they are processed and then re-emitted back into the environment and especially back to their source. These Neutral Centers are everywhere being infinite in number, extension and density. These form an etheric matrix permeating everything with unlimited potential for manifestation because of their reactive natures. One can think good thoughts motivated by a high ideal and the same will come back to you. One could radiate a bad attitude and the environment will bring that back as a faithful representation of that thought, felt, said or did. These manifest as bad experiences which are really indications you didn¹t do it right so try again! The return echo, if positively originated by gentleness or kindness, is the grace and mercy returning by law from the Grand Neutral Field of the Universe.] 21. Know then it is not that judgment is passed here or there. For know that God looketh upon the heart and He judgeth rather the purposes, the desires, the intents. [WHY DO YOU DO A THING? This assessment of intent is reflected in the manner the Neutral Center processes the focalized thought. If intent is from a love (centropic) base the return echo contains the originating influence of love with its centropic and organizing (harmonizing) tendencies. If the Neutral Center absorbs a discordant impulse the discords are echoed back to the source as aberrant energies (entropy) and manifest as chaos, troubles and the like.] 22. For what seekest thou to lord (laud) in thy life? Self intent? Know ye not that it was selfishness that separated the souls from the spirit of life and light? Then only in the divine love do ye have the opportunity to become to thy fellow man a saving grace, a mercy, yea even a savior. [Selfishness is the consideration of self to the exclusion of all else. Divine love is being coincident to the highest ideal of gentleness, kindness, peace, patience and brotherly love we can hold in our minds and intents as we make each decision each moment IN THAT MOMENT as we react or act through or with others. The natural state of affairs is love, peace and harmony. This natural state will by itself reassert itself if we get out of its way with our negative thoughts. We can even amplify this return to harmony and love if we apply ourselves to developing and using only thoughts of kindness, gentleness and lovingness.] 23. For until ye have in thy own material associations known thyself to be the saving grace to someone, ye may not know even the whole mercy of the Father with the children of men. [If one seeks to experience this grace or mercy then one must extend it to others first. Plant the seeds of the fruits of the spirit then watch them be returned bountifully.] 24. Then it is not of rote; it is not ritual that has made for those influences in thine own experience; but in whom, in what hast thou put thy trust? 25. He has promised to meet thee within the temple of thine own body. For as has been given, thy body is the temple of the living God; a tabernacle, yea, for thy soul. And in the holy of holies [The still quiet place experienced during deep meditation/concentration.] within thine own consciousness He may walk and talk with thee. [But He (peace and Truth which is love) cannot enter into your consciousness if it is propagated with negative thoughts. The consciousness must be steeped in kindness and lovingness before He can manifest there to walk and talk with you as a brother.] 26. How? How? 27. Is it the bringing of sacrifice? Is it the burning of incense? Is it the making of thyself of no estate? 28. Rather is it that ye PURPOSE! For the try, the purpose of thine inner self, to HIM is the righteousness. For He hath known all the vicissitudes of the earthly experience. He hath walked through the valley of the shadow of death. He hath seen the temptations of man from every phase that may come into thine own experience; and, yea, He hath given thee, "If ye will love me, believing I am able, I will deliver thee from that which so easily besets thee at ANY experience." [What is the purpose for which you do a thing? To gain advantage? Money? Personal gratification? Or to be as a blessing to someone else? Act according to these laws and they will amplify your actions. This is simply Amplitude Modulated Additive Synthesis in technical terms. Like begets like but also through resonance (constant doing of it) develops a ³ground swell² of response which then becomes the positive, wholesome and nurturing experience. To love Him is to love love and Truth. By making these as living things used daily in every moment we become as He - love and Truth in the lives of others and ourselves.] 29. And it is thus that He stands; not as a Lord but as thy Brother, as thy Savior; that ye may know indeed the truth that gentleness, kindness, patience, brotherly love, beget - in thy heart of hearts, with Him - that peace, that harmony. Not as the world knoweth peace but as He gave: "That peace I give you; that ye may know that thy spirit, yea thy soul, beareth witness with me that ye are mine - I am thine," even as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. 30. Even so may thy soul, thy mind, thy body, become aware of that which renews the hope, the faith, the patience within thee. 31. And until ye show forth in His love that patience [plant the seeds of the fruits and then wait for their growth], ye cannot become aware of thy relationship with Him. Even as He has given, in patience ye become aware of being that soul - that seeketh the Father's house that is within even thine own consciousness. 32. How? How, then, may ye approach the throne? 33. Turn thou within. As ye meditate, give forth in thine OWN words these thoughts: 34. "FATHER, GOD, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! I AM THINE - THOU ART MINE! AS I CLAIM THAT KINSHIP WITH THAT HOLY LOVE, KEEP THOU ME IN THAT CONSCIOUSNESS OF THY PRESENCE ABIDING WITH ME: THAT I MAY BE THAT CHANNEL OF BLESSINGS TO OTHERS, THAT I MAY KNOW THY GRACE, THY MERCY, THY LOVE - EVEN AS I SHOW SUCH TO MY FELLOW MAN!" 35. And ye may be very sure the answer comes within. 36. Thus, as ye apply - the answer comes. Not - by applying - do we mean a separation from the world. For even as He, ye are IN the world but not OF the world. But putting away the worldly things ye take hold upon the spiritual things, knowing that the worldly are but the shadows of the real. 37. And thus, as ye come into the light of His countenance, it maketh thy heart glad in the consciousness of "I AM THINE - THOU ART MINE." 38. Ready for questions. 39. (Q) What was the exact time of my physical birth? (A) Eight-twenty in the morning. 40. (Q) What was the exact time of my soul birth? (A) Only a few breaths after the physical birth. For as has been indicated to the soul, in the experiences in the earth - how beautiful have been thy joys, yea even thy sorrows, that they have kept alive that longing for a closer communion, a closer walk with Him! And as the soul came then with a purposefulness, that "I - even I - may be able to show forth His love among those I meet day by day," there was no tarrying. For ye are learning, ye have gained, ye may apply, "AS YE SOW, SO SHALL YE REAP." For God is not mocked. Though man may separate himself, it is against the purposes, the will of the love of truth. And only self may separate thee from the love of the Father. For He longeth, even as thy soul crieth out in the mornings, "Holy - holy art Thou, O Lord!" 41. (Q) If possible, what can I do to finish my earth's experience in this life? (A) It is ever possible. Studying to show forth the Lord's death till He come again!! What meaneth this? Just living those that are the fruits of the spirit; namely: peace, harmony, longsuffering, brotherly love, patience. THESE, if ye show them forth in thy life, in thy dealings with thy fellow man, grow to be what? TRUTH! In Truth ye are FREE, from what? EARTHLY toil, EARTHLY cares! [Stop fighting to preserve the ego with its wants, desires ideas and surrender to a harmony or being One With the Neutral Centers of one¹s environment. This happens when one is in synch with the MOMENT. It is a release from worry about past or future events. It is a trusting of and a faith in a positive outcome as opposed to fearing a negative result. Fear only comes from not living in the moment. Being in Truth is being one-with the All and this comes from the still small MOMENT as it is lived in peace, harmony, longsuffering, brotherly love, patience.] These then are not just axioms, not just sayings, but LIVING truths! Ye ARE happy in His LOVE! HOLD fast to that! [Being happy in His love is being At One With the MOMENT. Because only in the moment is peace and freedom from fear - TRUTH.] 42. (Q) What is holding back my spiritual development? (A) Nothing holding back - as has just been given - but SELF. For know, as has been given of old, "Though I take the wings of the morning in thought and fly unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Thou art there! Though I fly into the heavenly hosts, Thou art there! Though I make my bed in hell, Thou art there!" And as He has promised, "When ye cry unto me, I WILL HEAR - and answer speedily." Nothing prevents - only self. Keep self and the shadow away. Turn thy face to the light and the shadows fall behind. [It is maintained the more focused one becomes on the MOMENT there is a greater and greater experience of ³seeing the Light.²] 43. (Q) Please explain the meaning of a light I saw on the night of June 13th-14th, and a figure that appeared in the light. (A) These are but the beginnings of that which may be thy experience. This followed a deep meditation, though much broke in between. But it is the fruit of not thought, but purpose, desire. For it has not entered the heart of man all the glories that have been prepared, nor all the beauties that may be experienced by those that seek His face. [The key word here is PURPOSE. Thought alone from the ego cannot do the thing but thought integrated with emotion, intent and desire becomes the purposeful or causative force. Purpose is from the heart - not the head. Purpose is the passion one holds as a guiding force.] These are but the signs, yea the ASSURANCES, that His presence abideth with thee. Know He hath promised that if ye ask, ye shall receive. Be satisfied only then with the consciousness of His presence. Who? That in Whom ye have believed - that abides with thee. For "If ye will knock, I will open - for I stand at the door and knock." If ye will but open thy tabernacle of consciousness to allow the holy (Neutral Center matrix of the universe] to come in and sup with thee, yea ALL the beauties of peace and harmony ARE thine; for they are the birthright of each soul. For the soul is the portion of the Maker that makes thee individual, yet with the consciousness of being one-with GOD, the UNIVERSE, the LOVE - that which IS beauty and harmony. 44. (Q) What is the meaning of the white lightning I have seen? (A) That awakening that is coming. More and more as the white light comes to thee, more and more will there be the awakening. For as the lights are in the colors: In the green, healing; in the blue, trust; in the purple, strength; in the white, the light of the throne of mercy itself. Ye may never see these save ye have withheld judgment or shown mercy. [Judgment is a discordant vibration. It is not necessarily negative or bad - it is enharmonic and prevents pure transmission of coincident actions such as love and kindness are. Love (pure harmony) cannot co-exist in such a discordant vibrating environment. A discordant thought modulates the etheric matrix surrounding one thus preventing adherence to the finer vibrations of the Neutrality (Unconditional Love). These same vibrations recreate themselves (mirroring, echoing) to impact in a destructive way on their source or origin - the mind and emotions which caused them to be created. They become like a Frankenstein we create with our thoughts, emotions and wills to come back and haunt us until we rectify the causing force matrix - our PURPOSE. Why not instead create angels to deal with by being gentle, kind and loving?] 45. (Q) What is my worst fault? (A) What is ever the worst fault of each soul? SELF - SELF! What is the meaning of self? That the hurts, the hindrances are hurts to the self- consciousness; and these create what? Disturbing forces, and these bring about confusions and faults of every nature. [Hurts to the self are self-inflicted condemnations, judgments of self, fears, poor self-image, denials, etc.] For the only sin of man is SELFISHNESS! [Selfishness is dealing only with self for self¹s purposes without taking into consideration others and/or the greater environment. Focusing in this way creates the enharmonically modulated etheric matrix which becomes entropic and chaotic - separation and dissociation are inevitable consequences. On the other hand a harmonically modulated etheric matrix is associative, loving and centropic. Life comes together as opposed to falling apart.] 46. (Q) How may it be overcome? (A) Just as has been given; showing mercy, showing grace, showing peace, longsuffering, brotherly love, kindness - even under the most TRYING circumstances. For what is the gain if ye love those ONLY that love thee? But to bring hope, to bring cheer, to bring joy, yea to bring a smile again to those whose face and heart are bathed in tears and in woe, is but making that divine love SHINE - SHINE - in thy own soul! Then SMILE, be joyous, be glad! For the day of the Lord is at hand. Who is thy Lord? Who is thy God? Self? Or Him in Whom ye live and move and have thy being - that is ALL in All, God the Father, the Love - the GREAT Hope, the Great Patience? [This is the Grand Neutral Field of the Universe wherein we live, create our experiences and have our awarenesses.] These are thy ALL. Keep in the way that is arising before thee, more and more. And as ye open thy consciousness to the Great Consciousness within, there will arise more and more the white light. For He is the light, and the life - eternal. 47. We are through for the present.

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