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Text: A  brochure will be sent with your order.  During the first 5-7 days on GC it is HIGHLY recommended to follow a strict purine free diet to allow the Gout Care herbs to solely focus on expelling the stored uric acid from the liver, fat, tissue, and joints.  As GC begins to dissolve years of storage and begin repairing the damaged areas, avoiding further new uric acid production for a short period of time is extremely important.  The blood can only hold so much soluble acid and the first week should consist solely of old storage to be carried from the blood to the urine and bowels for expelling.  How and what foods are reintroduced back into the diet are just as important, so after the first week on GC and the cleansing diet please contact , for a food reintroduction plan followed by a maintenance plan as well to keep ! you gou t free for good. The foods below are the ONLY foods recommended to eat during the initial cleansing to get rid of any uric acid build up. Even if you are not under an attack, there are still deposits of uric acid all over the body posing a constant threat. It is strongly suggested to expel all the years of build up with this strict diet, herbal blend, and water intake so that you may easily return to a more normal diet with a guaranteed success to stay gout free for good!   Garden Fruits and Vegetables (fresh or frozen) :  Carrots, Celery, Boiled or Steamed Cabbage (limit to avoid bloat), Zucchini and Summer Squash, Baked Sweet Potato (fresh not canned), Corn on the Cob, Cucumbers, Iceberg Lettuce, Cantaloupe, Onions, Parsley, Tomatoes (NO sauce and limit- not a staple food), Watermelon, Sweet Peppers, Fresh Chili Peppers, and Potatoes with skin preferably.  Avoid the type labeled ³Whit! e Potat o² but all other baking potatoes like Russets are fine to eat. Red potatoes are higher in sugar but can at least be used in the soup recipe below as the texture holds up better over longer cooking times.  Avoid cauliflower and all dark leafy green veggies for this time period because of high iron content and purines. Tree Fruits and Berries (fresh or frozen):  Apples, Avocado, RIPE Bananas, Fresh Coconut, Cherries, Currants, Gooseberries, Dates, Raisins, Fresh Fig, Kiwi, Grapefruit, Mango, Papaya, Seedless Grapes, Lemon (Internal use for alkaline and healing power as well as outside on the skin for anti-inflammatory relief), Lime, Oranges, Pears, Pineapples, Blueberries, Raspberries, and Strawberries.  Avoid cranberries, apricots, and all dried fruits because of acidity and purines. Grains:  Brown rice and Fresh or Frozen Corn   Protein:  Raw almonds and Chestnuts (nothing cooked in oil) - This is a very important daily purine free protein source during cleansing, but should always be eaten with BROWN RICE.  Brown rice helps to absorb the iron content in the nuts.  A combination of brown rice, almonds, and corn provide the same essential protein and amino acids as a piece of meat would but without the purines. Dairy:  Sour dairy- Yogurt (Plain with your own fresh fruit added at least during the cleansing phase, commercially fruited are acidic in nature and full of sugar), 2% Cottage Cheese and Sour Cream.  These three sour dairy products, plain yogurt especially, are very alkaline and healing adding essential friendly bacteria to the body boosting digestion and immune system power. Sweetener:  Fresh Un-Pasteurized Bee Honey and Stevia Flavorings:  Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice, Unsalted Real Butter Only, Small Amounts of Soy Sauce, Fresh Grinded Flax Seed (great to put in cottage cheese), Pure Coconut oil (the only oil safe when heated in the body or by cooking)  Spices/Seasoning:  Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Cumin, Chicory, Cilantro, Fennel, Chili Pepper, Cayenne, Tamari, Celery Seed, Parsley, Cinnamon, Sea Salt (NO table salt and should considering replacing it for good!!) Beverages:  Mainly should of course be Non-Chlorinated Water, but a small 4-6oz glass of Unsweetened Fruit Juice or Milk (Skim Only during cleansing) will do for a change.   It would be best to use a lot of sour cream on your baking potatoes. If you are under an attack you must eat a FULL variety of these foods. For instance brown rice, fresh almonds/chestnuts, and corn provide all the protein and amino acids of a piece of meat when eaten as a meal, without any purines. This variety and protein match up is necessary because a sudden lack of protein/fat sources and not enough calories per day can cause the body to release protein from stored fat. This release will also produce more uric acid which we want to avoid during this cleanse. Eating the fresh raw almonds/chestnuts is important for good protein and fat sources but be sure to eat them with some brown rice. This is very important so the brown rice can block the absorption of the iron content in the nuts. Iron will aggrevate an attack which is also why bottled/filtered water is suggested over tap water. Your first goal is to stop eating any an! d all a cidic foods that can be aggravating to your current attack and uric acid build up. All of the foods above are alkaline and will stop all further production of uric acid. THIS STRICT DIET IS TEMPORARY!  Also most fresh spices for flavoring are fine EXCEPT for pepper, more than a tad of various salts, and peppercorn. A deficiency of B5 produces excessive amounts of uric acid. A diet low in vitamin E can cause harm to cells that produce uric acid, further causing them to produce more. Fried foods destroy vitamin E in the body and few people have sufficient amounts of B5 as is, therefore it is highly recommended that you take at least 400iu of E, 10,000 iu of Beta Carotene , and 500mg of B5 (Pantothenic Acid) divided into two doses. **Do not use a B complex or vitamins containing B3 (niacin) or iron, they will increase uric acid production during an attack.  Multivitamins can be found iron free a! nd made with Niacinimide as opposed to Niacin which does not have the same negative aggravating effect** Start drinking a lot of bottled or filtered water right away.  Best rule of thumb is each individual should drink 1/2 ounce of water per pound of the body weight if you weigh 200lbs then 100oz daily is needed.  Water should always be taken in SLOW AND STEADY throughout the day upon waking and until bed at a pace of 3-5oz per half hour for optimal liver and kidney clearance. This pace keeps you from bloating, makes it easier to take in large amounts throughout the day, and provides a pace in which uric acid clearance is around the clock working for you and towards your goals.  If you are not urinating often with large amounts of water and taking the GC then contact us please!!  You need to always provide the body with an exit to flush the toxins and uric acid out.   **If you are under an attack it would also be best to wrap an ace bandage around an ice pack and apply to the inflamed area(s). The cold will stop the pain and make your body push the uric acid out of the tissue. Follow by warm heating pad will increase blood to the area helping to remove the uric acid that has been pushed from the tissue. This increase in blood flow will aid the herbs in dissolving the uric acid crystals. Once the swelling and inflammation has gone down, you can still alternate the ice pack with a heating pad, even through the night if possible to continue removing uric acid from the area.**

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