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Text: From: Subject: Top 10 Gout Remedy Report Tips... Date: June 3, 2006 9:46:15 PM MDT To: Reply-To: Hi Dale, As a customer of the Gout Remedy Report, you not only received access to a valuable report on Gout... you also receive great customer service and continued news and helpful hints regarding gout, to help you along your way to better health. Here's 10 things to remember in your journey to cure your gout: 1. Change your diet, and improve your lifestyle - the better foods you eat (less junk food), the less likely it is you will get gout... or aggravate gout you already have. We recommend the South Beach Diet, along with drinking more water, less (or none at all) caffeine. If you're overweight, try to lose weight gradually and then maintain your weight by eating healthy and exercising regularly. 2. Cut out white flour foods, fried foods, saturated fats, trans fats and meat proteins. 3. Avoid high levels of fructose. 4. Eat fresh foods - 75% of your foods should be fresh or raw. 5. Drink 4 glasses of black cherry juice and every day to flush and neutralize uric acid. Eat plenty of cherries and other dark fruits (strawberries, grapes, banans, celery, broccoli, potatoes and greens help put the acid crystals in solution so they can be eliminated.) 6. Eliminate alcohol during your healing period. 7. Avoid aspirin - it can raise uric acid levels. 8. Go on a bladder/kidney cleansing diet to rid the body of sediment wastes. More information is found in the Kidney Stone Removal Report at 9. Vitamin C & Uricryl - especially Ascorbate Vitamin C with bioflavonoids and rutin. Take 1/4 teasp. at a time in water every four hours for a week, then 5000mg daily for the rest of the month for almost instant relief. Uricryl is a product targeted specifically for Gout that you can learn more about at 10. Check with your doctor of pharmacist about your high blood pressure medicine because many of them are known to cause formation of inorganic crystal sediments. If you find anything else that helps you cure your gout, please let us know! Yours for excellent health, Joe Barton Barton Publishing Inc. Barton Publishing Inc. PO Box 913 Luverne MN 56156

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