Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Matter can and does differentiate into different forms of energy, i.e., radiation and radiant substances such as uranium and cesium, alpha & beta emissions, etc. This is a proven fact. Not to mention that matter manifests as the many different elements we can see in a Table of the Elements, this latter conforming to "rules" of octave structures as are found in music. More on this later. NOTE: In the first place the concepts of Good and Evil are created by Man and have no real place in the universe's natural state of things. But anyway let's procede: Depending on the context we are using to define "evil" how can matter be evil? It cannot act on its own behalf (through volition), it cannot cause harm of its own initiative so therefore, in a moral context, it cannot therefore be considered evil or that which causes evil. Matter is formed according to Natural Law or function - yes we may consider "God" created matter as a perfect thing from a perfect creator. (Natural Laws are infallible (according to themselves and not as we humans interpret them) and may therefore be considered perfect in operation or may be equated with a divine being [anthropomorphized by Man].) So the form of matter or the archetype form is perfect and therefore again we cannot say matter is evil. (Natural Laws or functions determine the archtype form.) In the context of Vibratory Physics there are two fundamental states of matter and energy: Harmonic and enharmonic. A state of energy (or matter) that is considered harmonious is one in which all the vibratory modes and activities are in a state of perfect harmony and balanced and centralized to a focal point. A state of harmony cannot be considered as evil when all these parameters are in a state of perfect balance. On the other hand. Any thing or activity that is contrary to harmony may be considered as evil or not-good to that state of harmony. In this narrow case we can say a dischord or enharmonic activity is evil to the original state of harmony. Therefore an energetic state (positive propulsive or enharmonic in relation to the original harmony) can be considered as evil as this condition disrupts the harmony and causes commotion, chaos and disruption. Yet again - matter is brought into being through a dischord to the harmonious natural states of purer energies. (Big debate waiting here.) From this context matter is the result of a dischord or disturbing of that original energetic balance. Here we can then say matter is an evil (discordant result) when considered apart from the originating concord of high energy states which were originally in a state of perfect harmony. So to answer THE question: Yes matter is evil and no matter is not evil. Some follow-up questions here then are: What is harmony (good=balance) and what is dischord (evil=disturbance)? Where do they come from? Why are they what they are? How do they interact?

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