Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "The Gold, which is carried into the system vibratorily through the Appliance, is to act upon the elements in the nerve system so as to renew the energies in same. "The Silver, is to enable the activity of the eliminating system to so eradicate the effects of the suppression of activity in the muscular and tendon forces as to allow same to be eliminated from the body." "The, (Gold & Silver) through the absorption of same by the Radial activity, would add to the gland forces in the circulation that which would become NOT only constructive to their proper functioning, but would become destructive to the organisms that accumulate from the adhesions and cohesions through the portions of the system as indicated." "The Wet Cell Appliance, with Gold Chloride added, carries "those properties that are as stamina to the nerve forces of the body..." "...where there are vibrations of a specific nature (Gold in this instance) carried into the body through those centers (Lacteal Duct) from which the radial activity of the circulation is carried, are to carry those elements that stimulate growth to the very glands and the very nerve fibre themselves. And we will be able to find or to see how that various portions of the body, in the extremities, in the strengthening of the stamina along the Cerebrospinal System itself, will be created little by little." Cayce (735)


Source: 2

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