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Text: Q-12: [993] I was told through a reading [993-4, A-7] to acquire an educational knowledge of gold and silver necessary to healing. How should I go about to obtain that knowledge? May I have any information on this subject which may be given at this time? A-12: "Seek first that as has been compiled by the chemical analyses of same as related to the physical body. Remember we are speaking physically. Then there may be given the mental and spiritual application of same in healing, see? These are, as has been indicated before, as influences that represent in the mind of man forces that are necessary. How few there be that a few dollars would not heal many, many a feeling - at least bring security! Then may not that spiritual force, with the essences of same as applied to the physical body, be applied in a spiritual manner as to bring efficacy in its spiritual application? Silver is a sustaining cord, a renewer of the energies as applied between the physical forces and the energies of activity of life itself upon nerve and brain forces as well as the very essence of the glandular secretions of the body. The same applies then in that given. First, then, study the chemical analyses as related to bodily function. Then seek again; we will make practical application for thee." Cayce (281-27)


Source: 2

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