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Text: Edgar Cayce Readings, 281-28 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of October, 1936, in accordance with request by those present. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Helen Ellington, Esther Wynne, Hannah Miller, Frances Y. Morrow, Edith and Florence Edmonds, Elizabeth Perry, Sallie Jones, Margaret Wilkins, Ruth LeNoir, Myrtle Demaio and Hugh Lynn Cayce. Time: 11:55 to 12:25 A. M. TEXT GC: You will have before you the Glad Helpers, members of which are present here. First you will give affirmations to be sent those on the prayer list; next you will consider the study which has been made by this group for several weeks on the Book of Revelation in attempting to follow the suggestions given through this channel that the references in this book should be applied to experiences in the physical, mental and spiritual bodies of individuals. [See 2501-6 on 3/24/30.] You will answer the questions which will be presented on Revelation. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, as a group, as individuals; their work with others, which - first - we would commend. For there has been, is being and may be accomplished, a great deal of hope, of cheer, in the lives and in the experiences of individuals. And in this manner may this group find within themselves that peace, that harmony, that is the promise from Him who hath given, "That as ye ask, as ye seek in my name, that may the Father do, that I may be glorified through you in the material world." Be then faithful to that thou hast purposed in thy heart. For many there be who are weak, discouraged, troubled, that ye may aid. And as ye do it unto the least of thy brethren ye do it unto thy Maker. For as He hath given, "Ye that minister to the sick, to the disconsolate, to those in prison, to those in turmoils and strife, minister unto me." The affirmations in the present are these: OUR FATHER, OUR GOD, HEAR THE PRAYER OF THY SERVANTS; THAT WE MAY KNOW, THAT WE MAY UNDERSTAND, THAT WE MAY BE WHAT THOU WOULD HAVE US BE. Again: FATHER OF MERCY, OF LOVE, OF PATIENCE, HEAR THY HUMBLE SERVANT. THOU KNOWEST THE NEEDS OF MY BODY, MY MIND, MY HEART. SUPPLY FROM THY BOUNTY. FOR WE ASK IN THE CHRIST NAME. Again: FATHER, GOD, IN HUMBLENESS OF HEART I SEEK. I PRAY THY MERCY, THY LOVE AT THIS PERIOD: NOT ONLY FOR MYSELF BUT ALL THAT SEEK TO KNOW THY WAYS. Again: FATHER OF MERCY, OF GRACE, LET THY PROTECTION BE WITH ALL THOSE THAT SEEK, IN THE NAME OF THE CHRIST. Again: FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN, BLESSED BE THY NAME! MAY THY LOVE, THY GRACE, THY MERCY, FILL MY LIFE AND MAKE IT THAT THOU, O GOD, WOULD HAVE IT BE! Again: FATHER OF LOVE, OF GRACE AND MERCY, KEEP MY FEET LEST THEY FALTER IN THY WAYS. KEEP MY MIND AND MY BODY THAT THEY GO NOT IN THE WAY OF DOUBT OR DESPAIR. Again: FATHER, GOD, IN THY SON THOU HAST PROMISED THAT WHAT WE ASK WE MAY RECEIVE. MAKE MY BODY, MY MIND, OF SUCH AN ATTITUDE AND ACTIVITY AS TO BE WORTHY OF THOSE PROMISES! Again: FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN, BE THOU NEAR TO THOSE THAT FALTER, TO THOSE THAT ARE AFRAID. STRENGTHEN THOU THROUGH THY LOVE MY PURPOSES, THAT I MAY BE A LIGHT, A HELP, A STRENGTH TO MANY. Again: FATHER, MERCY! MERCY UPON THOSE THAT ARE WAYWARD, THAT IN THEIR NOT UNDERSTANDING FALTER. BE PATIENT, BE KIND WITH ALL! In considering then the studies that have been made with this group, in the understanding of the Revelation as given by the beloved of Him: These as we find have been well, and as you each become conscious in your own experience of the movement OF the influences THROUGH the body upon the various stages of awareness, there comes a determination, a desire, a longing for the greater light. To him, to her that is faithful, there shall be given a CROWN of light. And His Name shall be above every name; For ye that have seen the light know in Whom thou hast believed, and know that in thine own body, thine own mind, there is set the temple of the living God, and that it may function in thy dealings with thy fellow man in such measures that ye become as rivers of light, as fountains of knowledge, as mountains of strength, as the pastures for the hungry, as the rest for the weary, as the strength for the weak. Keep the faith. Ready for questions. (Q) Are we using the correct methods of breathing and intonation in our group meditations? (A) As has been given in Meditation, to some, THIS then is the correct manner: As has been given so oft of old, purge ye your bodies, washing them with water, putting away those things of the mind and of the body; for tomorrow the Lord would speak with thee. Hence in this group make thy mind, thy body, as a fit subject for a visit of thy Lord , thy God. Then as ye seek YE KNOW, as He hath given, that the wedding feast is prepared and thou hast bid the guests, and that ye have come with the garments of the feast with thy Lord , thy Master, thy King, thy Savior. For lowly as He was in His earthly ministry, He honored all such that gathered for the commemoration of a union of body, a union of mind, a union of strength for their worship, their sacrifice, their meeting with their God. So do ye in thy meditation. For thy prayer is as a supplication or a plea to thy superior; yet thy meditation is that thou art meeting on COMMON ground! Then prepare thyself! In breathing, take into the right nostril, STRENGTH! Exhale through thy mouth. Intake in thy left nostril, exhaling through the right; opening the centers of thy body - if it is first prepared to thine OWN understanding, thine OWN concept of what YE would have if ye would have a visitor, if ye would have a companion, if ye would have thy bridegroom! Then, as ye begin with the incantation of the [Har-r-r-r-r-r- aum] Ar-ar-r-r-r - the e-e-e, the o-o-o, the m-m-m, RAISE these in thyself; and ye become close in the presence of thy Maker - as is SHOWN in thyself! They that do such for selfish motives do so to their own undoing. Thus has it oft been said, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom, then, is fear to misapply knowledge in thy dealings with thyself, thy fellow man. For as ye are honest, as ye are patient, as ye are sincere with thyself in thy meeting with thy God, thy Savior, thy Christ, in thy meditation, ye will be in thy dealings with thy fellow man. We are through for the present. BACKGROUND Subject of 281-28 - "Glad Helpers". 3/24/30 See 2501-6 , a Physical Rdg. which recommended the doctor in charge make a study of The Book of Revelation: "Be very good for the doctor here to read The Revelation and understand it! especially in reference to this body!" [ 2501-6 , Par. 2-A] 4/14/30 See 2501-7 , Par. 5-A. 3/13/33 See 281-16 . See Source File Key #262 for all current reports, supplements and professional commentaries re 262-100 ; see 9/13/36 page 74 (re. 7 major vibratory centers of body). REPORTS 10/28/36 P.M. See 281-29 continuing the Book of Revelation.

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