Text: Glassy Metals: A Possible Solution for Reducing the Mirror Suspension Thermal Noise in Gravitational Wave Interferometers Michael Hall (Drexel University), Riccardo DeSalvo (LIGO Laboratories, California Institute of Technology), Hareem Tariq, William Johnson (California Institute of Technology), Alessandro Bertolini (University of Pisa), Jan Schroers (California Institute of Technology), Maddalena Mantovani, Stefano Tirelli (University of Pisa), Brian Emmerson (Cambridge University), Valerie Cervantes (Mayfield Senior School), Rosalia Stellacci (University of Pisa), Xavier De Lepine (INSA, Lyons, France), Eric Kort (Pomona College), Stoyan Nikolov (INSA, Lyons, France), Barbara Simoni (University of Pisa), Chen Yang Wang (California Institute of Technology), LIGO Scientific Collaboration The expected limiting factors on the sensitivity of gravitational interferometers are Newtonian seismic vibrations, suspension thermal noise and the quantum limits (radiation pressure and shot noise). Unfortunately, the quantum limits place a fundamental limit on the sensitivity of our interferometer that we cannot surpass, which is on the order of 10^(-23) 1/sqrt(Hz). The Newtonian seismic noise will limit the sensitivity, but only at lower frequencies. If it is possible to eliminate the suspension thermal noise as a limit noise, then we will approach the quantum limits on sensitivity at frequencies above those that are hindered by Newtonian seismic noise. There are three solutions which generally receive a lot of attention: (1) cryogenic suspensions, and the replacement of piano wire mirror suspension fibers with (2) fused silica or (3) amorphous (glassy) metal flex joints. I plan to briefly describe and compare each proposed solution, placing an emphasis on glassy metal flex joints and the status of their development.
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