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Text: Excepts from The Story of the Young Edgar Cayce by Jess Stearn Gertrude: "How can I develop my mental forces to the greatest extent in the present?" "By more constant meditation, and putting into action day by day, a little more patience, a little more prayer. Being made in the flesh, heir to the weaknesses of same, one becomes more spiritual by the even balance that is obtained by making personal application, doing that‹even though it hurt‹that will aid another. Not that self is to be crucified that another may have ease in the material sense. But that another may have understanding in the mental and spiritual sense. For 'My yoke is easy, my burden is light,' is seldom understood. When the desire and the purpose, the application, are one, then it comes easy. But when they are at variance, one to another, hard is the way, and the call of the flesh becomes strong." " How can I overcome antagonistic forces in self and others?" "By actually manifesting forgiveness, more and more. As has been given, 'Is it easier, thy sins be forgiven or to say Arise, take up thy bed and walk? But that ye know that the Son hath the power to forgive'‹meaning to forget the weakness and give strength to those that falter. Even so, in overcoming antagonistic feelings, forgive as ye would be forgiven, remembering them no more. This overcomes antagonism and antagonistic influences. The thoughts held create the currents upon which the wings of experience must pass, and then, as these are made positive contacts, so is antagonism overcome and love made manifest, glorying in thine own ability in Him, and not in self."

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