Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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FORCE, ONE part 2

Text: "Nothing is more important for mankind to realize than the oneness of everything. One - One - One! Oneness of God, oneness of man's relations, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, oneness of every effort - oneness - oneness! In application of the understanding already gained there comes the more perfect realization of the theory. For, though seemingly a vague concept, the oneness of all force is a basic and fundamental truth. As man in his everyday life applies his understanding of this truth, there results a more complete expression of the real self. In the fall of an apple there was little other than man be experienced in any individual's life. Only Newton first saw that it applied to his relation with the universe and how it held the whole solution to a vast problem. Through the application of that known a great theory was gradually conceived. Just so will man come to the realization of the oneness of all force by the application of that already known. There is in each experience a law that may be reached through working the experience in terms of material application." Cayce (900-429) (2)


Source: 76

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