Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: From:Amargi Sat, May 11, 1996 Take a look at a guitar. It is divided into segments called 'frets'. These fret divisions help the musician find the correct chords. Notice how the frets get smaller and smaller the closer they get to the body of the guitar. If you were to look on a slide rule (if you can still find one) you will notice it is graduated (divided in intervals) with logarithmic scales. The gradations (or measurement lines) decrease or get smaller towards one end. There is a relationship between the frets of a guitar and logarithmic measures because they decrease with the same proportions. Logarithmic characteristics can be found in architecture, nature, biology, and music (just to name a few). If you know how to look for it, you can find it. One logarithmic quality of great importance is the Fibonacci sequence. Once you understand this sequence, you will begin to understand the true healing potential of sound. Leonardo Fibonacci (alias Leonardo of Pisa) was a mathematician born around 800 years ago back in medieval times (1175AD). He noticed that all plants grow in a certain way. A plant will grow one leaf, and then it will grow one more. In order to do that, it simply adds what it just grew to where it is now to determine what to grow next. The sequence goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233... At the 5th leaf (in preparation to grow the next bunch) the plant looks back at what it just grew (3), adds it to where it is now (5) and then grows: 8 more leaves. This is organic structure. Leonardo noticed that the number of petals a plant has directly corresponds to this sequence. One thing about this Fibonacci sequence is that it creates a curve. The sequence is blended into this curve or spiral. Some Fibonacci spirals are really noticeable. For example, the horn of a ram curls around with the same ratio and so do nautilus shells. Sometimes you'll see spirals going in both directions at once. You can see this on a pine cone or a sunflower. If you count the number of spirals going one way relative to the number of spirals going in the opposite direction, they are going to create the Fibonacci series. An example would be 34 spirals going one way and 55 spirals going the other way. In sunflowers, you will find the ratios 5-8, 8-13...all the way up to 144-233 counter rotating spirals. So why does the Fibonacci series play an important role in under- standing how music effects organic structure? First relate the sequence to music. First we should look at the life of the bee. Remember hearing about the immaculate conception of Yeshua Ben Joseph (aka Jesus). This "virgin birth" happens frequently in nature. A female bee, for example, can have a male bee anytime by herself -- no male fertilization is needed. If she wants to have a female bee, she has to physically mate with a male. By looking at the family tree (backward) of this male bee that was born from immaculate conception, an interesting thing appears. Remember, a female can make a male bee with out mating. A bee to be born as a female needs both a male a female parent. As you trace back the family tree of this male bee, you will notice the Fibonacci sequence or series. With the series sequence given above, you can easily trace back as far as you want into the male bee's family. All sorts of things do this in nature. If you stop at 13 in the Fibonacci sequence of the bee's family tree, you can directly relate the Fibonacci bee pattern to Sound Harinonics. If you take a set of piano keys and make the white keys male and the black keys female, look how they line up in the sequence as the chromatic scale (C, C# , D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B, C). Removing the white keys gives you the octave scale and removing the black keys gives you the pentatonic scale. This also creates a reversal of the Fibonacci sequence (lower right side). This is a direct right-brained way of showing you that organic structure and sound are harmonically related. This relationship becomes clearer when you introduce the little known knowledge on sacred geometry. Here's a little taste on what ancient people knew about the Fibonacci sequence. If you apply this logarithmic (fibonacci sequence) spiral to a particular spot on Earth, an interesting thing will happen... all the ancient sacred structures & places (i.e. temples, pyramids) all line up along the spiral. All the sacred sites on this planet are laid out on either Fibonacci or Logarithmic spirals. They are all connected mathematically and arrive back at a particular spot on the planet. You could even calculate where every single sacred site is on the planet from this spot if you knew how to do so. Obviously, the ancient peoples knew something that we don't know. This Fibonacci logarithmic sequence is the key to moving all life up to new levels with sound. Ancient sound technologies are much different than current sound technologies. Sound based technologies had great sacred geometric characteristics. Geometry is often overlooked in modern sound therapy techniques. This is why ancient-type global broadcasting of sound for healing seems very unknown to most people. The sound qualities of ancient temples and structures are the tools for global population healing through sound. If you just want to heal a few people rather than billions, then a small room is needed with various sound/electronic/musical devices or whatever. Mass population healing has to involve ancient sound technologies and knowledge. Did you know that if you bang on the 'coffer' in the King's Chamber in the great pyramid it will 'ring' or sound as a Perfect A?

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