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Text: "As you fill your lives from day to day and hour to hour with words and deeds, I would suggest that many times you overlook the feelings that accompany the words and the deeds. Often the feelings are uncomfortable, generating fear and apprehension. I would suggest they are still well worth paying attention to because it is the habit of learning to be in touch with those feelings that opens the door to the truer feelings, those of peace and joy, the feelings that ultimately bring us into our awareness of Being, of being the true extension of God. It will also be in your paying attention to the feelings that do generate fear that you will find it easier to let go of them as you compare them to the feelings of peace. I could speak to you in volumes about how to let go of fear, of why to let go of fear, of the unreality of fear, but it would be rare if any of these words really captured your attention. It will be the feeling of peace, it will be your experience of being in the space of knowing that you are well entrenched in the Mind of God where there is no fear, that will then make it far easier for you to discredit the feelings of fear that are generated when you forget who you are. So my suggestion is simply this; surrender to your feeling, whatever it may be, surrender to it because it will be your closest communication to the Being of your Self." [Dialogue on Awakening, page 54]

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