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Text: QUADO Speaks Thursday, July 15, 2004 (6:10 AM) Daily Quado: A reader asks: I am indirectly involved with my boss doing things that may not be done with the highest intentions, sometimes possibly illegal. I have worked very hard to get where I am at in my job and to have the benefits that I have. I have had a very similar experience in the past and quit the job. I do not want to repeat this in this situation. I feel there may be a lesson I am to learn from this. I am afraid of losing my job if I voice my opinion on the matter. I am afraid that I am doing something wrong because I have knowledge of his activities but feel I cannot say anything to his bosses in the corporate office as they are all very close and we have all been warned to not go over his head about anything. This is a very difficult situation for me and I would really appreciate your! feedback. Quado, do you have an answer to this question? Ah, yes, of course, of course. We will deal with this on more than one level. First, let us deal with the practical. If you believe that you are involved in something illegal, or in covering up something illegal, and you cannot talk to anyone in the company without risk of losing your job, then you must talk to a lawyer and explain the situation. You will learn there, first, whether the activity is illegal and whether your role is putting you in jeopardy and secondly, what protections exist to protect you financially while doing what is right and what is legal. There is no reason not to do this, for your conversation with an outside lawyer, unconnected to the company, will be confidential. So first, do this. And do this now. There is no reason to be afraid and anxious when you might get someone knowledgeable on your side, helping you to make decisio! ns. And so, let us ask another question. Do you believe it is wrong? Just because something is illegal does not mean it is necessarily wrong from your own internal point of view. And the opposite is true. There may be things which are perfectly legal but which you believe are wrong. And so, you must ask yourself this. Am I involved in doing something which is wrong? And if you are, then you must proceed to look at your integrity and what it is doing to you internally to be involved in activities which you believe are wrong. This can be very harmful to you, both physically and spiritually. The life lived with integrity is one in which your center is a calm pool of peace. You are enjoying your activities at an easy pace or you are working very hard; you are doing what you do, for money or not for money. But what you feel inside is a settled feeling, a knowledge that what you do, the way you spend your days and hours, is in accordance with the inner drive which is you, with a deep integrity which is more than just not telling lies or cheating. True integrity means living your life in a way which makes you feel calm and settled and connected, in the flow of what is and what should be, for you and for others. This is your goal. To find a way of life which expresses who you are and which allows you to live without fear. For yes, the fear is obvious in your letter. You are afraid. But what are you afraid of? You are afraid of being caught, and this is not a very noble fear, is it? It would be far better if you were afraid of living a life without integrity, unconnected and caring only for what other people do and think and how their activities reflect upon you. You need to take responsibility for your life as it is and as you create it day to day. When you have a situation which repeats, such as this has, then you must ask yourself why you are creating this situation. Now, you may look at this from a simple psychological viewpoint, that you are subconsciously seeking situations which cause these repeating patterns, or from a more spiritual viewpoint, that you are literally creating the world around you in order to reflect back what you need to learn. It does not matter. From any point of view, when you are in the midst of repeating patterns, there is definitely something for you to learn. In this instance, the lesson is probably about fear, about having integrity, about having the courage to be who you are and live it out loud. It is also a lesson in responsibility, for understanding your own responsibility in creating your own life, for seeing that you are not a victim in life, where other people around you are creating these bad situations in which you are continually caught. No, in some way, at some level, you are creating these situations, and you must take responsibility for it. And so, let this be the time you take full responsibility. Go to that lawyer and understand the legal situation. Then do what you must do. Say what needs to be said. Take a stand, if that is what our heart wants you to do. If you believe this is wrong, then perhaps this is the moment when you must step forward and change what needs to be changed in the world. Perhaps this is the moment when you must take responsibility for acting in a way which is right and true, even though it involves risk, even though you are afraid. Spend a little time alone reflecting on this and learning to separate fear from a sense of rightness. Fear is that clutching feeling in your stomach and that loud voice in your ear. The truth is quiet and settled, calm and peaceful. The angels whisper. Fear yells. You must learn to quiet fear so that you can hear and know the truth. You must learn to calm down the fear churning in your stomach so that you can reach the peace in your center. You must learn to quiet the fear yelling inside your mind so that you can hear the angels whispering gentle advice. It is very important that you do this, for fear gives very bad advice. Fear lies and projects things out which are not true, keeping you held hostage. The truth lies in several places. First, it is within an understanding of the law and your rights as well as your obligations. Then there is your personal truth, what you truly believe is right and wrong. And then there is your life of integrity, how you need to live in order to awaken in the morning with a feeling of peace and connection, knowing that during the day you will do what feels right to you. This is your goal, to live a life which feels right. And is there some financial risk? Yes, there certainly may be. But when you finally battle through your fears and reach a life of integrity, the universe has a way of taking care of you. You will find yourself in a situation in which the right things are flowing toward you and all you have to do is continue to do what feels right. This may not be a way to get rich and have the newest car, but it is a way to get by nicely while living a life of grace. You are responsible for this. You are not a victim. It is your life to create. Right now, embrace that concept. Deal with it. Take a deep breath, pull in courage and connect and create. The answers are all within you. If you have a question you believe might interest other Quado readers, please send it to Visit for meditation CDs, healing services, music and more. This newsletter is distributed free of charge. Just send an email with Subscribe or Unsubscribe as the subject to . Copyright 2004 by Systematique, Inc.

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