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Text: Reflections From Spiders About Overcoming Fear Q: Yes, I have a question for a friend, and I also have something I'd like to share. B: All right. Which one first? Q: The sharing. B: All right. Thank you. Q: It has to do with the different aspects of ourselves that we perceive with the feeling of fear. All this lifetime I've been very -- I've had a lot of affinity for all the life forms. There's hardly a life form on the planet that I don't feel some affinity for. B: Oh, hardly. All right. Q: Well that brings me to spiders. I have been looking at that idea and exploring this idea for years and years and years, and my fear has diminished and diminished. And lately I realize that was the symbol that I've chosen for myself to represent the idea of fearŠ B: All right. Q: Š which gave me a whole new perspective on it. What's been really fascinating is that recently I went to Hawaii and I had an experience coming up to a friend's door, and there was a spider on it that was absolutely enormous, and it just stopped me right in my tracks. I said to my friend, "You'd better come and look at this spider, it's as big as a Mack truck." I felt my fear -- and I also realized that I was projecting my fear to that form. B: Yes. (Tape change -- words missing.) Q: Yes. I scared the spider and he wasn't running off the door... B: Reflecting your fear back to you. Q: Exactly. Exactly. And I thought about that for several days and I got several realizations about thatŠ B: Go! Q: What? B: Go. Q: Go, yes. SoŠ B: The realizations. Q: Yes, what's happening is that I realize those are different aspects of myself and what I'm doing is more and more integrating into my own reality, and admiring them and allowing love to them, and affinity, and examining them more closely when they come into my space. B: All right. Q: And what's happening is that every time it's happened my fear has diminished -- and the spiders are getting smaller and smaller. B: Very good! Q: And so the other day I was out on the deck and there was a little wolf spider, and he came hopping over toward me. I put my book in front of me and I went, "Back up a little bit, you're a little too close." And he cocked his head and looked at me, and there was this little intelligence communicating with me. I was so stunned because I perceived that he realized that I was there. He saw me and he communicated with me. B: Yes, and he was only carrying on the tradition. Q: Exactly. So anyway, I communicated with him and I got his agreement to go off in another direction. The next dayŠ B: You are very familiar with Iktome, yes? Q: What is this? B: Indian. Iktomé. Q: What is this now? B: You may share that later. Q: Oh, thank you. Yes. I know the Š AUD: Spiders also weave the universe in their webs. B: Yes. Being at the hub of things can be fearful for some of you. Q: That is wonderful. I've had so many realizations. So a couple of days after that there was a very small little spider, and I carried him out on my hand, and just kind of let him go in the bushes. And the next morning I'm in front of my mirror in the bathroom, and out from a crack comes the teeniest little black spider. And I just started laughing because my fear had gone all the way down to practically nothing. B: Thank you. Now, your question. Q: Thank you. Yes. This is for my next-door neighbor. She has had a physical sensation that she's trying to cope with, and I told herŠ B: Oh, "trying to cope." All right. Q: Right. She doesn't have (--?)... she feels the physical manifestations, and it's like a pressure of solidity in her body that's sometimes painful. And she has a lot of concern with this. I've been sharing some ideas with her, but I wanted to ask you if you couldŠ B: Does she feel she's about to burst? Q: I'm not sure; possibly. B: Can it simply be her own creative pressure waiting to get out? Q: Ah! I'll offer her that viewpoint. B: All right. See what she does with that. Tell her to trust her imagination. All right? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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