Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Being Fearless Q: What is fear? B: Fear can occur for many reasons. Generally speaking, fear is a belief that there is a portion of your consciousness that you might discover that could intrinsically have the ability to do harm to you. And so you make the choice to not want to discover it. You will find that the idea of fear is that when you do not listen to the connections you know are true for you, but you still insist on having the life you want, then when you do not listen to those connections that come at first subtly, then they will become noisier and noisier and noisier and noisier, and more and more obnoxious, until you are forced to listen. Until you are forced to stand right in the moment and stop looking everywhere else. Fear creates you, forces you, to look squarely at something you keep refusing to look at about yourself that you say you need to look at, that you say you want to look at in order to grow as a being. But in your society you have been taught that you can have portions of your consciousness that can, shall we say, do you in. So because you buy into that belief -- because you do not realize that there really is nothing you could possibly discover about yourself that cannot be put toward the positive integration of the total being that you are -- then you create the idea that you do not want to look at certain portions of yourself. But as long as you express the desire to be an integrated being -- which you will always do automatically because you are a creator by birthright, then you will constantly create fear in your life to force yourself to look at the portions you do not want to look at consciously. When you are willing to look at those portions and understand that they serve you, you will fear nothing. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Does that assist you? Q: Thank you very much, my fearless one.

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