Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Ether or Ęther

Text: "Ether is an atomolic liquid 986,000 times the density of steel." (Keely) "The luminiferous ether - the compound interetheric element - in other words, celestial mind force - is the substance of which all visible and invisible things are composed." (Keely) "The fundamental mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision [of matter], to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which controls the vibratory states of both the etheron and interetheron. The awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state." (Keely)

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