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Emberson, Paul

Text: "Dr. Rudolf Steiners aussagen ueber die nutzung von aetherkraften". [Dr. Rudolf Steiner's interpretations about the application of etheric forces]. Comparative analysis of Steiner's statements and the achievements of Nikola Tesla, John Worrell Keely, Moray, Methernitha. Notes the emerging theoretical framework substantiating Steiner's notions. Overview of proceedings of the International Conference for Free Energy, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, 1989. In German only. In: Proceedings International Conference for Free Energy, Einsiedeln, 1989. SAFE, P O Box 402, 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland. p. S23-0 - S23-10.

See Also: Ether, free energy, history, paradigm shift, scientific revolutions.


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