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Ebon, Martin.

Text: "The tragedy of Edward Naumov." Contains a good description of the problems encountered by Edward K. Naumov, formerly the best-known parapsychologist in the Soviet Union. Naumov was in fact studying examples of scalar interferometry of the two cerebral halves, and the projection from the two cerebral hemispheres of two scalar waves whose interference at a distance formed ordinary EM energy and fields. In certain experiments with Nina Kulagina, the researchers even noted that: (1) First, all her biorhythms synchronized -- heartbeat, brainwaves, etc. -- and... (2) Then an electrostatic scalar potential (electrostatic field) formed around the object to be moved. Naumov's work was dangerously close to the actual scalar electromagnetics (energetics) weapons program of the U.S.S.R. In Psychic Warfare: Threat or illusion by Martin Ebon. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1983. p. 45-62.

See Also: electrostatic scalar potential, scalar electromagnetics, biological scalar interferometry, energetics, parapsychology, biophysics, foundations of physics, Soviet weapons.


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