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Text: Excitement and Opportunity Q: I just recently ended a careerŠ B: Congratulations! Q: And I feel kind of lost. B: Oh, all right. Well, here you are, right here. See? That is (rest drowned by laughter). May I ask you a question? Q: Yes. B: Thank you very much. What excites you the most in life that you may not be doing? Q: That's a good question. B: Oh, thank you very much. Do you have a good answer? Q: No. B: Oh, it is very simple. Do not make it complex. Keep it simple. Let's start with one thing at a time. For example, we will assume -- not because it is us, but simply because you are within this interaction -- we will assume that right now this interaction is the thing that excites you the most, or you'd be doing something else, yes? Q: Yes. B: Yes, all right. The idea is simply to understand what excitement represents. Do you know what excitement is? Q: (Pause) UhŠ B: You can say no. Q: No. B: Pay attention now. Are you paying attention? Q: Yes. B: All right. Excitement is your physical translation of the vibratory energy that represents the path you chose to be in this life at any given moment. So what we are saying and suggesting is that if at any given moment, moment to moment, you are doing the thing at that moment -- with integrity -- that excites you the most, out of all the things that are capable of being done by you, then you are absolutely right on track with what you need to be doing. And if you do the thing that excites you the most, with integrity, that you are capable of doing, out of all the opportunities that are available to you, then you will automatically lead yourself into exciting situation after exciting situation. Because all excitement is a thread that leads to all other excitement. Because it is the path you are. And if you do the thing that excites you the most, you will be able to do that thing most effortlessly, without struggle, without pain, without strife. And if you do the thing that excites you the most, because it is your path and because you can do it most effortlessly, it will be the thing --whether you have been taught to think it can't be or not -- it will be the thing that will allow you to experience the highest degree of abundance in your life to be able to support you to continue to do the thing at any given moment that excites you the most. So if it is something that you have always wanted to do, and you simply have not allowed yourself to do it because of any number of various reasons that your society tells you it should not be done - "That's no way to make a living. You have to work hard if you want to get anywhere. You have to suffer and struggle, or you'll never amount to anything. Grow up! That's a very childish idea; do not be naďve!" No oneŠ (Tape change)Š Even if it appears that these opportunities have no apparent outward connection to some other thing you think excites you, if this is the thing that excites you the most at any given moment that you are capable of acting on, then do it. Because whether it looks like it is connected or not, it is the excitement that lets you know it is. And if you do have an idea of a particular thing that you say excites you, if you are not acting like a person that really believes they can do that thing, or that they deserve to do that thing, then it also will not occur in your life. You have to act like the person that lives that life, before that life will come to you to be lived. If you are not, in your estimation, ready or willing to live it, it won't come. And the way you show the universe that you are ready and willing to live it is by acting as if you are -- because you know that if another person were doing something you say you really want to do, they would be acting far differently than you might be acting now. So simply see in your mind the thing that may excite you, and see yourself doing that thing, fully doing it in every way, shape and form that you can imagine it can be done. And if you see any difference in that imaginary you that is doing that thing, in terms of her action as compared to your action, then copy her actions. Understand? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: So any idea you wish to be, act like you are that idea, and you will attract the opportunities to give you the opportunity to be that life, to be that person. If you do not act like that person, you cannot attract that life style. Understand? Q: Yes. B: Does that assist you? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you very much. Sharing!

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