Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Healing Pain by Expressing Who You Truly Are Q: I do have a question: for several years I have been having a problem withŠ B: A what? Q: A problem. B: A what? Q: A bit of pain in my neck. B: Pain is judgment. Q: I know. B: We have talked about that idea to some degree. All pain - emotional, spiritual, mental, physical -- all pain is the result of judgment, of a separation of a portion of yourself from the rest of all that you are. For if you are in touch with your totality, then all ideas are understood to be there for a reason, and you do not experience the pain. You only experience the reason for why something is there and allow yourself to take that reason, use it, and allow it to transform into something that does not cause pain. Q: Hmm. Well, l have not discovered it yet. B: Perhaps you are "trying" too hard. Perhaps you think that you have to discover something in a certain way, other than simply act upon the opportunities that present themselves, as representative of the things you need to be doing. What is it you do want to do? Q: Oh, God! B: Anything at allŠ While you are pondering thisŠ Q: There's so much to do. B: All right. Ponder, ponder, ponder. Now, allow yourselves to realize that the vast majority of any pain you experience in your emotional lives, in your physical lives, in your spiritual lives, in your mental lives, is ONLY due to the fact that you will not trust your excitement. You will not trust that what it is you want to do is what you should be doing! Excitement is your barometer! Excitement, what you call excitement is the physical translation of the energy that represents the path you chose to be! Follow it! It is your arrow! That is why excitement is there. If you become excited about something, that is your signpost to let you know, in a very loud and friendly voice, this is your path! Follow it! That is what excitement means. When you are willing to trust that, pain will be a thing of the past. You will be too overwhelmed in ecstasy to feel any pain. So then?! Q: So thenŠ B: What do you wish to do that you are not doing now? Anything at all that you find to be more exciting than what you think you are doing? Q: Oh, tons of things! Ha, ha, ha. B: All right. Then take any one of them. Q: Om... arts. B: All right. Then know you are an artist and act like one. And then you will attract individuals who will interact with you as an artist. Until you are willing to act like an artist, how can you expect to attract anyone to interact with you as if you were an artist? You do not radiate the signal, "I am an artist." So no one expects to be able to buy your paintings -- because they know you don't have any. "Oh, she doesn't look like an artist. I certainly won't go up to her and ask her to paint all the paintings for my building, for which I would pay her a tidy sum. But since she is not an artist, well, I'll look somewhere else." You follow me? Q: Yes. B: All of these connections happen much more quickly and on more subliminal levels than you imagine -- instantly. People will be attracted to you for what you are. If you are not willing to be what you know yourself to be, you are not advertising. Q: Ha, ha, ha. B: No one can pick it up, can sense it. No one can find you. You follow me? Q: Yes. It's very interesting: whenever I do draw something there's generally somebody who walks up and notices it. "Put it up; it's great!" B: All right. Let that be your sign. Paint yourself the reality you desire. Q: Thank you! B: Thank you.

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