Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "How can we measure the velocity of the etheric capsule - the differential range of its vibratory action? How can we actually prove the laws governing its motions, attractions and disintegration?" "By progressive disintegration, accomplished by the proper vibratory focalized exciters we may prove all these things. By means of those introductory acoustic impulses which negatize their molecular, atomic and interatomic neutral affinities for the center of the aggregate mass we may demonstrate the laws of those vibrations which control the etheric capsule and the conditions on which these vibrations act." "Vibrations of the atomic order, transmitted through the Trextrinar will so accelerate the atomic film or capsule that it ruptures itself and liberates the atomic gaseous element from the molecules. By this means it should be possible to measure the velocity of the atomic etheric envelope."

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Source: 11

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