Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: > Meeting Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a remarkable experience. He is the epitome of a truly enlightened Master. The following interview took place during a visit to Southern California. Q: Is enlightenment really possible for the average person? A: "Yes, big, yes. Enlightenment is very possible for the ordinary individual. Actually, it is easier than for someone who thinks that they are special. You see, when someone thinks they are special, their ego becomes involved. "I am a great teacher, or I am a great writer," that is only ego. The ego wants to be special and this may cause someone to get stuck for a long time. Whenever someone is ordinary, simple, innocent and natural, that is enlightenment. Enlightenment is your very nature. It is in you already, as seed form. When you drop all the tensions and hang-ups and become natural, then it is right in your hand. We simply need to let go of the old patterns that are in the mind, just drop them. Then you see that something in you flowers and dawns. It is so beautiful."

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