Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Elements are defined as simple substances out of which no other two or more essentially differing substances have been obtained. Compounds are bodies out of which two or more essentially differing substances have been obtained. A molecule is the smallest part of a compound or element that is capable of existence in a free state. Atoms are set down, by those who believe in the atomic theory, as the indivisible constituents of molecules. Thus, an element is a substance made up of atoms of the same kind, a compound is a substance made up of atoms of unlike kind. Over seventy elements are now known. Priestly claimed that all discoveries are made by chance. (11) The elements, those "simple substances" of science, which they state we can no further subdivide or analyze have withstood the cosmic forces of heat, gravity, magnetism, electricity, etc. already existing and preexisting in the elemental state of formation of the earth. These forces cannot reasonably be expected to exercise potency as analyzing agents, when applied in a limited way by man.

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