Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The transmission of sympathetic atomic vibration, through a triple nodal transmitter, induces an interatomic percussion, that results in triple atomic subdivision, not oscillating across the diameter of the atom, but accelerating to an infinite degree the atomic film that surrounds it and at the same time extending the vibratory range of the atom far enough to set free the gaseous atomic element. Keynote of electromagnetic sympathy, transmissive combinations, thirds, on the subdivision of first octave B flat, diatonic. Sixths, on same subdivision of thirds, octave harmonic, and ninths, on the same subdivision on the sixths, octave enharmonic. I find that there is no medium in the range of vibratory philosophic research, that is as unerringly exact, towards the center of sympathetic attraction, as the negative attractive influence of a certain triple association of the metallic masses of gold, silver and platina. In fact, they are as accurate indicators of the earth's terrestrial sympathetic envelope, and its triple focalized action towards the earth's neutral center, as the magnet is an indicator of the diversion of the attractive flow of the dominant current of the electric stream. Although much has been written on the subject, the conditions attending the continuous flow of the magnet remains a problem that has never been solved by any other theory. Yet the solution is very simple when harmonic vibratory influence is brought to bear upon it. The harmonic attractive chord, thirds, induces a nodal interference on that third of the triune combination of the terrestrial envelope, that is immediately associated with this medium of interference, and moves towards the negative pole of the magnet, then flows through it to reassociate with the full triune combination, through the positive, thus: Dominant Harmonic Enharmonic The triune stream, one current of which is diverted from the Dominant, flowing in at the Negative end of the magnet and out to join the triune terrestrial stream at the Positive end.

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